Wednesday... a day of rest?

 It is Wednesday, not exactly a day of rest, but I do not have any "outside of the house"" work scheduled today. This is not the same as "housework". There is always some of that to do! My granddaughter is trying to find something she can do to earn money and be creative at the same time. She is beckoning me to join her at the flea market this weekend to have a "garage sale" and rid ourselves of some of the excess around here. The work is in getting it all gathered to go to the flea market

I offered up ideas of things to make to sell at a bazaar. However, there aren't many of those going on these days. She could try the farmer's markets that set up around town, they are generally super expensive. I took SIL one day and even she was sticker shocked. We bought her some cherries at 18 dollars for a pound. She got a half pound. King Soopers had them for $3.97 a pound that weekend. 

First thing this morning is a need to bake brownies and drop two off at the school for the lunches that went today. The kiddos were not happy that there were no cookies for school lunch. Brownies are in the oven and animals are fed and watered. Time to get dressed and out the door, pending baking situation. Brownies are cooling so out the door I go!

Brownies... naked

It is the end of the day and dinner is ready to be served. I will close for now and serve up the fam' and plan the rest of my night and tomorrow.


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