It's Tuesday again...

 Funny thing about Tuesdays, they show up each week, pretty reliable they are. For me they are also pretty busy. Monday was jam packed with to-dos, but I dare say Tuesday might be even busier this week. I have an audit to do, shoes to return to the mall, a meet up to exchange a baby holder for some cash, a kitchen to clean and the list goes on.

my kind of clean desk at work

We are short at work, nothing new. Every place has been short for a couple of years now. I think the pandemic money really brought out the laziness in this country. It was there all along, but instead of people showing up and do nothing they are now emboldened to stay home and do nothing. I do realize that not everyone is just being lazy there are those that cannot return to the workforce, however there are those that just won't. Sometimes we feel like management just won't schedule people, but the ones they do, don't show.

I have found a place that isn't perfect, but it feels like a place I can enjoy working at. Or at least not dread the thought of going into when it is time. Circumstances in my life will make it necessary to take some time off here in the near future, but I feel it will not be a drama show to go back when I am able. When my shift was over last night, and I arrived home the sky was just as black as it could be, it looked like velvet. The stars were twinkling so brightly! As I watched while sitting quietly on the porch, I had the chance to see a "shooting star". That made my night.

The day is already slipping away. I have accomplished one of the tasks already. The baby holder exchange is complete. Now to gather up the stuff that must return to the mall. Not even close to being my favorite place.

baby holder

With that I will close and get the day rolling! Look out mall shoppers here I come! 


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