Let the summer begin!

It is Saturday, the first one of the summer breaks, and there is plenty to do. The first child to utter the ominous phrase "I'm bored" is in for a big surprise. This just might be the season they learn life skills like laundry and chicken house chores. On a brighter note, my sourdough starter is bubbly!!! Sadly, I may have just killed it. I will keep an eye on it and if needed, try again. It is a lazy morning. SIL just got out of bed and is not really into getting changed for the day. Saturday was an agitated day. I think if the weather improves maybe we could have some outdoor time. She was craving sweets and chocolate, as they both do, brownies were requested several times. I admit I said I can make some pretty quickly, but I got busy with other things. Dinner was on the table at 5 and she refused to sit down and eat. Six o'clock came she kept checking in cupboards and drawers and the refrigerator but would not say what she was looking for. I offered dinner several...