Let the summer begin!

 It is Saturday, the first one of the summer breaks, and there is plenty to do. The first child to utter the ominous phrase "I'm bored" is in for a big surprise. This just might be the season they learn life skills like laundry and chicken house chores. On a brighter note, my sourdough starter is bubbly!!!

Sadly, I may have just killed it. I will keep an eye on it and if needed, try again. It is a lazy morning. SIL just got out of bed and is not really into getting changed for the day. Saturday was an agitated day. I think if the weather improves maybe we could have some outdoor time. She was craving sweets and chocolate, as they both do, brownies were requested several times. I admit I said I can make some pretty quickly, but I got busy with other things. Dinner was on the table at 5 and she refused to sit down and eat. Six o'clock came she kept checking in cupboards and drawers and the refrigerator but would not say what she was looking for. I offered dinner several times. Silence was my answer. She wanted the brownies that I had repeatedly said I could make. Therefore, I made them.  She also said I never let her have cookies and she was looking for cookies. She found several small packages of cookies and ate those while she waited. I did not realize I had been depriving her of cookies. I don't eat cookies that often and neither do the kids but, SIL and DH eat anything sweet and/or chocolate. They will consume whatever is available in a package, so I divide the packages up when I do buy them. Not sure if I can change that habit or not. Neither one needs to live on sugar alone. I might add that at every lunch and dinner meal they get cookies or pudding or brownies for dessert. Enough of that whining on my part.

Now that I think about it, that is about the only food similarity they have in common. It has made mealtime a challenge. He is pretty easy, not saying he will eat everything I make, but he is predictable. She not so much. The overnight guest is not a picky child, and she is good as gold when it comes to behavior, I just wish the dogs would accept her being here. They want to bark nonstop at this kid. Makes it real hard for them to have a normal day. It can get really hot outside too.

This Sunday morning, I had promised to make donuts. I had to decide between chocolate and lemon. Chocolate won out.

After donuts, SIL decided she wanted to open the sliding glass door. When she did the doggie door came out of place. While I fixed that she decided that she wanted some nuts...

She grabbed a bit in her hand, and I said "that is bird seed you might not want to eat it" she then sprinkled it on the shelf and the floor. Maybe I should have just let her eat it, I mean after all it would be one less mess this morning. Nah, might be considered abuse...

Oh well, let the summer games begin. The sleepovers have started and the transporting of young scholars back and forth to friends and friends to them has begun. DH has gone to the attic to try and make progress on the mudding of the ceiling and walls, so that means SIL will have to go in the car with me to run children hither and thither. I sure hope there are no "events" in the car I do dislike cleaning her up in public restrooms. It is something I discovered on our last adventure to Oklahoma. I really dislike it.

Well, back to cleaning up a few messes. Also, I need to clear the island so I can try to sew a new apron. Sometimes things change unless you live in this house then it is every day that things change. Another new kid for the dogs to bark at has arrived. It seems the youngest of mine likes to pick up strays also. I should warn her now. They are hard to return. Especially if you feed them. Feed them she did. SIL has been in a trance for at least an hour now. Probably not going to be a good day to take her in the car but I have no choice. 

Well, if this remains her pose, the trip should go just fine. The trip went okay but I discovered that I cannot assist her in and out of the truck like I used to. So that very well may be our last outing for a bit. At least until the arm is fixed. Lucky for me there were no "extras" in the trip today. And I am not referencing getting in and out of the truck.

Dinner went off without a hitch if you do not count refusing to eat. But that has been the new norm. If lunch is eaten, then dinner is not. She has sat down at the table several times. No food was consumed


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