It is Saturday and it is raining. Yesterday I was so overwhelmed with driving and all the things that needed to be done. Today I had a plan and today the plan did not go as planned. I found the "Escape room" birthday party. I am also pretty sure that part of the party was actually finding the place. Before heading out to the party I prevented three falls for SIL as she leaned out the west sliding glass door. I shut the door she opened the door and leaned out. Over and over again. Then it was lean out of the chair time.

This also gets old
I attempted to put her in her recliner after this and returned to her with her head almost to the floor no time to take a picture of that lest she fall the rest of the way! I set her in a safe place or so I thought and started to the basement. She got up and fell.
The kids are being kids and the cleaning is not going very fast. There is no one in this house that thinks to offer help that is actually capable of giving help. The adventure continues and I told myself I will not think of moving for at least two months as I concentrate on trying to declutter. It is not working though. Try harder I tell myself. Soon it will work!
I think I will work on laundry it is a nice thankless job. Maybe I will find my dustpan while doing the next load. Well, no dustpan and all those clothes are hung or folded and put where they belong. The children have been tasked with picking up the balance of their dirty clothes from their room and I have decided that I will cease housework at about 1830 from this day forward and try to do a craft again. What craft you ask? I have so many available I will try to crochet or sew for starters.
Earlier I left the mail in sight, and I know that I should not do that. Next thing I know SIL has a butcher knife and is trying to open an envelope addressed to DH, insisting it is hers. The biggest problem is that she is stabbing an envelope with the intent to pull it toward herself. Let the games begin. And begin they do as SIL now thinks she should pick up anything on the floor that catches her eye. Crafting will do that for me.
This morning, we had little bluebirds here to get some food. I was so excited as I have not seen these in my backyard before today. It is hard to see their color in pictures, but they were blue. I shared my joy with the neighbor who denied their existence in my yard. Decided without seeing them that they were something else indeed. Then proceeded to tell me that she has had them in her yard forever. I guess they only go to her house. This is not helping me get out of the "I want to move now" mood.
Well, it is late, and the pills have been passed. Now someone wants food. That is a challenge of dementia. They do not realize that they have already eaten. Even sometimes when the empty plate is in front of them. Choosing a craft did not happen, laundry did though. Now it is bedtime.
Tomorrow, I think we will try to plant seeds. Well, good night blog I am tired.
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