The beginning of the end of morning silence...
Saturday my other oldest granddaughter (there are three oldest granddaughters) came by to visit. We had such fun. It was a short visit but very nice. Sunday brought fatigue. I was so tired, and the repeated spasms of the arm muscles make it worse. I neglected my duties and of course they were still waiting for me I finally woke up. I needed the rest, I am sure.
Today, Monday, we are expecting an estimate on replacing the sliding glass door with potentially French doors. Also, we need a deck on the back of the house if we are staying. If we are leaving a porch is enough. My granddaughter was inspired by the mobile home in the back yard. She was able to envision remodeling it as a tiny home for her and Lance. I thought that was amazing! Why? Because I cannot take it with me so it will have a good home.
Well, the door replacement guy just cancelled so there's that. I suppose I have enough to do anyway. I better get started. There is so much to do that it can be overwhelming just thinking about what needs to be done. One room at a time. Or one closet at a time.
The little one is not feeling her best, but the day is almost over, and her mommy is on the way. Lucky me I promised the kiddos a trip to Target after school, plus I need a few things from the commissary. I hope it is just a few things.
This is rain we can use. Too bad it blew right over and didn't give us a single drop. That is better than a tornado so I will hush my mouth.
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