The beginning of the end of morning silence...

 Saturday my other oldest granddaughter (there are three oldest granddaughters) came by to visit. We had such fun. It was a short visit but very nice. Sunday brought fatigue. I was so tired, and the repeated spasms of the arm muscles make it worse. I neglected my duties and of course they were still waiting for me I finally woke up. I needed the rest, I am sure. 

Today, Monday, we are expecting an estimate on replacing the sliding glass door with potentially French doors. Also, we need a deck on the back of the house if we are staying. If we are leaving a porch is enough. My granddaughter was inspired by the mobile home in the back yard. She was able to envision remodeling it as a tiny home for her and Lance. I thought that was amazing! Why? Because I cannot take it with me so it will have a good home.

Well, the door replacement guy just cancelled so there's that.  I suppose I have enough to do anyway. I better get started. There is so much to do that it can be overwhelming just thinking about what needs to be done. One room at a time. Or one closet at a time.

The little one is not feeling her best, but the day is almost over, and her mommy is on the way. Lucky me I promised the kiddos a trip to Target after school, plus I need a few things from the commissary. I hope it is just a few things.

This is rain we can use. Too bad it blew right over and didn't give us a single drop. That is better than a tornado so I will hush my mouth.

It has been almost a week since starting this particular post and much has happened. School is out for the summer. It was a very busy last two weeks of the school year. My shoulder and arm have acted up more than usual. My discontentment with my organizational skills has increased proportionately with my pain level. This is my last weekend to get things under control before more family moves back home.

Lots going on. That is about all I can say. Well, I can say that there is not much going on in the attic where lots should be going on. As it gets closer to time to take SIL to the care center I get more frustrated. I do not want her in care, but physically I am maxed out between the two of them. My plans to have my garden started, things put away, other things removed from the premises, and last but not least some form of organized chaos going on, have failed to materialize. I have had so many weird dreams that I do not take any stock in, other than they are weird. It does make me wonder.

Here is a summary of the first day of summer vacation for the young ones. No less than 50 statements of "I am bored", no less than 30 requests to "go shopping", and the list could go on, but it is only the first day, perhaps I will review the count by the end of the first week.

Take care blog, I will be back later this season.


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