New tires, new recruit and a new store...

 What a day it was today. I took the kiddo to school, and one stayed home. Some silly rule about a fever in the last 24hrs I am not sure why since it was not a fever until she went to school. I digress, the morning started out in the usual way only change, the grandbaby that used to hate me, joined me for the morning chores. First, we dropped off the big kids to school, we then hit McDonald's for a hashbrown, (which later gramma found smashed in the backseat) we then headed to the tire store to get the racing slicks replaced. While we waited 90 minutes into the hour long wait, we walked over to a new store. Okay it has been there at least 10 years, but gramma had never been there, so it is a new store. It was called "The Home store". Lots of fun things in that store! Gramma might go back one day!

Two hours into the one hour wait time the tires were finished, and we took off to Costco to buy gas. Expensive gas, I was the second car, if the first car had pulled all the way forward when the other two cars left, but she didn't. So not only was I trying to pump from the wrong side of the car I had to go around her and back the car up. Did you know that you cannot hold the handle upside down? I did not. Four gallons in the pump stopped and refused to give me anymore gas. I was polite and I left and went over to a pump that I could use from the best side of the car.

Once that task was done it was time to go to the recruiting office and see my granddaughter off. I reassured her that if gramma can do this, she can too! As I type this she is in a motel in Denver and will leave tomorrow morning on her grand adventure! I hope she enjoys her time in training as much or even more than I did. The young grandchild and I headed home and started our home chores. SIL was in the midst of a flood on my arrival and DH was sound asleep, actually everyone was asleep but the noise of the dogs on my arrival woke the sick kiddo and SIL. And to think that it's DH that used to sleep with a loaded weapon...

Soon it was time to take the young one back home, but we stopped by the commissary first and picked up stuff for lunches for the balance of the week. Thankfully school is over in 8 days!!! Remind me in 11 days how happy this thought was when I am begging for the teachers to return for the summer.

Have a great day!


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