Homeschooling on a budget and working almost full-time = chaos that feels good

I try to get ready for the school day on my day off but I have to squeeze in laundry, shopping and caring for my two-year old granddaughter along with any field trips and last minute call offs at my job.. or at least that's how it was last week.  Our manager returned to work yesterday and that took a ton off of my shoulders.  Like most places we are "downsizing" the work staff.

That said not many people are happy about the changes and we lost three day shift employees because of it. Two were planning on leaving eventually the changes just sPeeded up the process. In many ways I feel it was for the best. They were somewhat on the whiney side. It seems easier and less stressful even though we are working with less staff.

Today was doctor's rounds and that adds a bit of spice to the mix. For some reason I was behind and back peddling a good portion of the day. I came in to work and was greeted by a less than thrilled night shift, then I realized the printer/copy machine was on the Fritz, and we were down to two applesauce cups...I use four in a shift. After hearing out the complaints of the night shift and doing what I could to field questions and give honest answers I started the morning med pass.

At that point it was myself and one CNA. Not that it would stay that way just one was late, the night crew will very rarely offer to stay. I am not sure the exact reason butt I know the nurse shares a car with her daughter who works day shift, and two others depend on someone else to drive them to work. The fourth is just unable to tolerate the work load on day shift because of knee damage. The only qmap that we have is about the only one who will stay over occasionally.

But our day person showed up and that made things go better. The day ended and my days off have been spent rearranging my bedroom again. So after getting things where I think I want them I have to get ready for the work week.

The two little girls have been helping today fIrst they threw

the go back eggs to the chickens, then they threw all the potato peelings to them and the last chore to get ready for another week was to sharpen all the pencils! (Actually that was to keep them busy while I layered the potatoes for scalloped potatoes tonight)  but it was on my to do list lol!
Well that it's it for this week! Thanks for stopping to read about my little chaotic life!
Come back again sometime to see what's crawling your way!
Oooh! Pretty pencils!!


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