
Good night! So today started with a lack of sleep on my part.  I again waited till the last second to get up and get moving for work...that meant no doing dishes before I left, no cooking breakfast or packing a lunch. In fact even managing to take a few essentials and my time badge was quite an accomplishment for me today.

And I came straight home no stopping for anything. I did manage to get two very important things done today. First I sent my paperwork for my student loan deferment to the lender, second I called my aunt. Now the latter probable doesn't sound like much but it truly was. She is a dear 96 year old who lives alone with her dog. Truly if we had not taken in two more little ones I would be in California taking care of her. She of the last of ten children, sister to my maternal grandfather. She is such a set soul and has been through so much. She is a wealth of family knowledge and life knowledge. I wish I had come till know her sooner in life, but like a lot of young people I had too much of my own world going on and failed to think of others.

Today is my Thursday as far as work is concerned and as usual I rushed out as fast as I could 47 minutes later than my clock out time. And I needed to stop at the store for stuff on my way home...And the tire was low...And the gas was low... typical day for me. It is very challenging to get organized and get a little something cleaned every night when I get home and still get dinner made, school work propped for the next day and maintain what had already been cleaned.

I am anxious to get my bills paid down and get out of debt so I can enjoy home schooling from a different stand point...being the one at home during the day to do it!
Part of my plan to get my bills paid down includes starting my spring cleaning...I know crazy right?! But with everything cluttered I cannot find things I know I have thus I end up replacing them...waste of money! So if I try to clean one area each night after work I may find things I need or forgot I had. So if I need it I can save money not having to buy it again and if I forgot about it I can sell it, donate or trade for something I need. Any way I look at it I win.
Tonight I took down a hanging basket of junk above the sink and scrubbed the inside of the window and the sink. In the basket I found a package of eraser sponges, I used those to scrub the sink lol. That basket had all kinds of stuff! A Dora the explorer DVD which needed a good scrubbing and got one. The two little girls are..ah were watching, now they want to sit on my lap while I blog!  And DH is eating the popcorn he popped in our popper
He really enjoys having a big machine to poop enough for all ten kids! That is if all ten were ever here at the Same time! Well I have school work to get ready and two little girls who need tucking in so that's it for today :)


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