It's not only tomorrow it is the day after tomorrow! Homeschooling with autism

The yogurt was a huge success! I shall have a great treat to enjoy several days. I cannot believe I ever by store bought yogurt. I just finished a rather large bowl for my dinner tonight. I did cook for the rest of the family but I have indulged in so much junk food today I thought I better hold back. With that thought I have had a terrible two weeks of not eating correctly, mostly indulging in junk food and soda. Each night I tell myself tomorrow Is the day  I rethink how I spend my calories. The huge problem with this plan Is I forget!

Also I am usually so emotionally exhausted by the time the kids go to sleep I drop like a fly sprayed with raid only to wake each time a child coughs, cries or rolls against the side of their beds. Needless to say my house is a shambles right now, my ability to function at a normal pace is diminished at best.

I manage to get to work on time each day for the most part. But I go empty handed. I forget to take a lunch with me, or sometimes I forget to pick up milk or whatever on my way home. So I leave the house by 0500 and I return between 1630 and 1700. Then I have to make dinner, work on school work with the five year old and some with the three year old. This includes whatever work she did not do while I was gone, any special projects that I had planned to do with her and getting the next day's lessons lined up for dad to try to work on. All this while listening to the screams of two little girls fighting for one on one time with mama.

While the five year old was in public kindergarten I felt so guilty because most days she got home at 1630, hungry, exhausted and so cranky we could hardly stand it! Of course there was yelling and crying but not just from her, the teacher was frustrated at least one day a week.

DD has been diagnosed with being on the autism spectrum, what works with her varies as much as the spectrum itself. What didn't work is direct orders and no choices. Schedules and routine are good but every once in awhile she goes rogue. That makes home schooling a perfect match! It gives us so much flexibility and freedom. Not only are we not depending on someone else's choices for what she learns, we can choose when we do this learning! Now she is happy doing worksheets we praise her when it is correct and we help her when she is stuck! She has only had one meltdown in since starting home school on February 19th! I know that isn't that long ago but she isn't the only one to benefit. The stress factor for me went way, way down. Even with the extra work of lesson planning.

The first time my husband suggested home schooling I did not take him seriously because I knew the burden would technically fall on him and she would get lots of "Indiana Jones" time lol! But after the fifth note from the teacher, no phone calls, and vague answers as to what happened he suggested it again! Well this time I jumped at the opportunity.  We home schooled all of the previous eight kids at some time or another. So even though he would be the main teacher he says yes pull her out!

The first few days were especially hard because her p.s.teacher had told her how much she would miss her, had all the kids say good bye, told her she would be going to a "new" school and DD is very literal, she expected a new brick and mortar building, not her own desk at home!

Please don't misunderstand there is still plenty of chaos at home. Many days the dishes aren't done and the laundry is way, way behind but everyone is calmer, happier than before.

That is why I haven't blogged in forever!!!!


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