Update till homeschooling on a budget

In my last post I forgot to mention some of resources that we used to keep our cost to homeschool as low as possible. Mostly I forgot because the kids are on me like white on rice when I get home from work and then the two year old is also likely to be over and if she is it is all I can do to get dinner ready and try to get an evening lesson in for the five year old.

 One good resource that is available to us is the learning resource center at our public library. They have so much stuff there in one area for all age groups...it was nothing short of amazing to me.  This was way more than what was available when my older kiddos were homeschooling. I struggled to find curriculum for them...dealt with negative bias from most people at the thought of working full time and trying to homeschool.

We also check goodwill frequently for gently used and almost new materials. EBay and other online sources are extremely helpful for getting all kinds of worksheets, reading materials and ideas! Free and at your fingertips.

This cute little desk was a curbside find. We had the chair but the desk was a perfect find for teaching the little girls. We needed one moor desk so all of them would have their spot to study, color or just the place to call theirs. The  price was prefect free! We had two other desks that work for our two little girls but when the grand daughter is here... look out!
I recently moved a bookshelf to my room to add much needed storage for the books and resources that we use each day. It allows me to keep each age group separate and easily grab what I need. I have a printer copier in my room for ..well you know.  As I look around through my old stuff I have found half done workbooks from the older kids. I take out the used pages and continue on!  Practice makes for more reinforcement of skills. I do buy curriculum new but there are so many free sources out there to add to it!  Well I will add this post and gather more information for you later!  Thanks for stopping by


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