Bible Olympics, room changes, boxes of what?!?! And Charlie the baby mouse...

This has been an exceedingly busy week! Bible Olympics started for the kids that are at least in first grade so again the little ones are out of luck :( So on that day my DH brings the kids to town and I meet him and pick them up (the little ones) and pick up the baby from her mom and we all hang out with friends or go home for the night. 
Last week I asked my DH to take pictures of the girls in the pretty dresses in the field with different areas of the yard for a background. During this "photo" shoot little miss got bit on the eyelid by a mosquito

We missed church service this morning so that Lilliput wasn't left home with just momma but then no one else wanted to go without momma...  She just didn't feel good at all.  The weather changing and the fire smoke in the air has really brought the worst in her allergies. Thus it became time to start moving things around so that DH can install the new furnace for the first floor of our house.  The old one gave out and it was a bit chilly last winter! 

We thought of moving the buffet that has been in the entry for several years to the living room or wherever while things got moved but opening the top drawer revealed a mama mouse and her baby. She split and left junior behind so my little people decided he needs a home. So after evicting the lone fish from his aquarium to move in with the goldfish in the family room we dried out the new "house" caught the little critter and put him/her in.  And gave it a name! Charlie, and Charlie misses mama it keeps whining for her.

Also I think we are going to disassemble the classroom and use it as a craft/sewing room.  It became too crowded in there with three little desks, A/V equipment and all their books and supplies plus it was too hot when the furnace was working and then when the furnace went out.. well it goes without saying.  Mostly we do our work in the rooms upstairs when I am not home for the day.  That's where dad wants to be and by the time I get home there is only a few minutes to an hour available to have lessons in.  It is then just easier to use the kitchen table or the table in their room.  I think I will still store the games and supplies in the "classroom, craft/sewing room".

So today I have worked a little on each room and the living room is a huge disaster! It is hard to decide what should stay in the furnace/pantry/future laundry room and what should stay in the former classroom.  I wonder how a hoarder doesn't go crazy?  I am going through boxes one at a time in order to get rid of duplicates, no longer needed supplies, and dried up ink pens! It amazes me how quickly the dried up ink pens land right back in the drawer or container they came from! It is like trying to throw away an old trash can the trash man empties it and puts it right back on the curb unless you leave a note that says it too must go! 

Tonight's dinner is being made in the Instapot this is the first attempt at sloppy joes made this way.  I will let you know how that turns out. If it works I will have 15-20 minutes to work on the two rooms or clear the kitchen table for a meal... might have to flip a coin ;) jus sayin'


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