Owls,grasshoppers and flies oh my!

Good Morning! The owls are awake this morning and talking to each other, so the chickens will stay in their area for a little longer this morning! I tried so to get a picture of the one on the roof but for some reason I cannot get our camera to respond I resorted to the phone camera but the sky is not light enough behind it to really capture the outline. I went out again as the sky is lightening up a bit but he is gone... I can still here their chatter.  These are huge owls too!

Today is my first day off of the week and there are sooo many tasks that need to be addressed.  Some of them will get a simple hello because they for sure are not getting done in the time I have available today.  Plus number 5 needs a ride to pick up a rental car if his is not fixed before his work time.  I offered mine up for his use but I think he prefers to have one more at his disposal than what I can provide.

To jump start the morning I did two loads of clothes last night and hung one on the line, the second did go into the dryer (rates are lower here during the night).  Of course as I was trying wind the kids down and find time to check emails it started pouring rain :(.  I went out to check and the drops were so big that I decided it would be best to just leave the clothes and enjoy the free rinse cycle :).

This morning started at 0400 with the 5 yo whining that she wanted to listen to a song that my 12 yo granddaughter had shared from "hunger games". Not even a song I want to have either of my little kids singing. By 0600 the 7 yo was up joining in with her own version of the whine song. (can I get some cheese and crackers to go with?). So I drug myself out of bed and started getting my list ready for the day. Pointless with the sound of whining in the background.  I made some coffee and tried to drown myself in creamer whilst skimming through emails. Most of which are geared toward "helping you organize your business while working at home with small children".  

Of course I am only receiving these because I signed up to get them. Now I need to find a site that tells you how to actually read these in peace and quiet and how to get that. Up to this point the generally housekeeping, home schooling and upkeep of the kids to include dressing and making meals, has been up to me.  This morning I have decided to let the two kids strip the beds, I mean really can they do it wrong? I am beginning to realize that I cannot expect everyone to do things the way I would do them if I want their help.

The two kids loaded the washer and I gave them the measured soap to pour in.  They also played with the water as it filled the machine... no harm there right? Good thing my laundry room is not one out of better homes and gar

dens lol!

My DH helps with dishes, much to my worrisome self, I am generally thankful but I need to work on this trait.  Here's why, while he uses soap he uses the whole bottle for one sink full and you can taste it. Solution... rinse your glass before using it. The other solution is to save an old dish soap bottle and refill it with half water and soap so that when I drive home after 14 hours of being gone there is a back up of soap in storage. The final reason that it bugs me is because while he is engrossed in doing dishes he is totally unaware of what any of the kids are doing!

That equates to whatever project I left out or partially finished it is destroyed or a toy box has been emptied in an inappropriate place ie the bathtub or down the stairs or in the middle of a freshly vacuumed living room. The latest not cute thing done was to take all of the board games and throw the pieces like confetti and then go off to do something else leaving the mess for me to pick up.  Of course when I bring it to his attention he is totally dumbfounded on when they possibly could have done that?! I come home to something every single day I work and the kids must feel like I am a screaming meemee. 

None of the emails addresses how to have your spouse, who is the stay at home parent, do things the way you want them done or the way you would do them if you could be home. I'll save him doing the laundry for another post :)

For now I try to be appreciative and go find grasshoppers with the kids when I get home.  It took weeks of flies in everything to get my DH to agree to put up the "magic screens" I bought for the front and back doors.  No they don't stop the flies but it does slow their entry down!  He only agreed to put up the front door one and that has helped.  I keep thinking I will find the time to put the back door one up but it hasn't happened yet.  I did it myself last year or the year before and they were crooked and he griped about them until finally I relented and let him tear them down.

Well I better get going I have four loads washed and solar dried and ready for the closets and dressers! Thanks for stopping by and if you have ideas on how to wrangle kids and work and life please fill me in by leaving a comment!

Oh the faces you can make with a magnifier sheet!


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