Where are we going? And why am I in this handbasket?

So for a week I have intended to make notes for a post... yeah that didn't happen.  Neither did finding the key to the med cart we bought to store things in out of the reach of kids.  We had the key to begin with and only one key, it was well guarded.  Then we decided to put it on a nail on the wall up high.  It fell one day, down behind the buffet that is against the wall where the nail is that held the key. I was in a hurry so I thought we just won't lock the main cart and we could still use the lock box because it uses a separate key.  As long as the main lock was not secured then the lock box could be opened.  Life went along well for three months or so.  Every once in a while I would think I should really try to get that key.

Then it happened... just last Sunday, it happened. I went into the cart to get something and for whatever reason I pushed the lock closed.  I even thought about it as I pushed.  Why? I have no idea! All week I have thought I need to start searching for the key and every day things at my work prevented me from leaving early or on time for that matter.  Today arrived and my husband is unable to get his pill minder refilled as his bottles are locked in the med cart. Of course IHO I think those should be locked up too, but I digress.  So the cart has been pulled away from the wall, the buffet also and no key is to be found.  We even cut the baseboard away from the wall thinking perhaps it fell behind and down into wherever! 

Alas no key to be found here or anywhere. Well the only choices left were: call the locksmith, (he cannot come until Monday and that is iffy), leave it locked until we find the key, (might involve destroying more walls or break into the cart.  The last option brought two ideas that came to mind and both involved a drill. But my DH had an idea that involved a saw saw and no drill!  

Think back to the frozen lasagna that would not fit into the NuWave oven...
Well problem solved! And walls saved!  This gave me plenty of time to work on other needs in this household... and there are plenty of things that need my attention.

Two little girls need to start their journey into the next year! So that is it for this past three weeks! Time for this blogger to get off her behind and get teaching!


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