EOM....it used to mean something

Oh!  Yes! Now I remember! End of the month with all the trimmings... next month's schedule, interviews, care plan reviews, taxes...oh and I musn't forget laundry!  Happy Birthday Dear Husband! Sorry I couldn't give you the day off from kids or broken cars or broken beds from young ones jumping on them or the many tasks that must be done every day around here. Maybe tomorrow will be a day you can sleep in and not have one or two or three kiddos jumping up on the bed to wake you... you can dream any way!

As the night settles in and the multitude of items on the to do list swirl around in my head, I am lifted a little by an email I noticed today :)  Thank you to the thoughtful sender it really did brighten my day! My last post I referenced new friends oh my have I met so many people over the years and to listen to the stories of their lives one could write a novel.  I am of course speaking of the dear people I see each day at work.  I miss being the pill pusher, I really did see more of the folks.  Now I sit at my desk, run here or there, go to endless meetings it seems and only occasionally get to spend any quality time with them.  It saddens me.. it makes me want to give notice and find somewhere new but I would miss these guys terribly. It really is lonely at the top.. even when the top is the bottom of the bigger top :( And I would miss my co-workers they are absolutely the best!

Sitting here trying to gather my thoughts and I hear in the background the repition of a disc waiting for the viewer to push play... so carefully I check on the kids and the DH and two out of four are asleep.  The 7 month old and 62 year old lol out like lights! No such luck with the other two, they are energizer bunnies on steroids!

This week has been very busy with Christmas and sick kids and appointments like crazy.  I feel like I have accomplished more than most weeks but less than needs to be done..but that is everyone's life I am sure.  I managed to make three rice packs only 30 more to go :) Oh no I thought my keyboard died! I need to bake a loaf of bread.. that always feels good! (I know just what I need ... one more thing on the to do list)

Tuesday this week into Wednesday the 5 YO woke at midnight with a fever and tummy ache and just needed momma to stay with her.  So we rocked and talked and tried to encourage sleep but all that did was wake the 7 YO. Of course then they wanted a movie so I gave in and put in a disc... I think it was strawberry shortcake, anyway I thought well they are up for the long haul, might as well do laundry.  So I did catch up a bit of that. I called in that morning and told them I would come in closer to time for the new admit to arrive. It is very hard for me to call in, I don't know why but it is.  I think I have control issues.

Well here it is the next morning and the little finally fell back to sleep bout 0100 and the next one woke about 0230 and then all were up by 0700. Technically that was a sleep in day by all accounts!  Work is a late show this morning I get to have a cup of coffee! With flavored creamer! Which by the way is the only reason I drink any coffee.  I really do not like coffee...I LOVE CREAMER!!!!!    Nothing like a little bit of the "boomerang" song at the crack of dawn....why did I teach those kids how to work "Alexa"?

My three youngest girls, one working one and one watching. Trying learn how to be a dentist!

This is the best part of winter!!!

And it is the best part of getting up on a very cold morning!!!!!


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