What a week! First wacky blood pressure readings then falls off the roof, ER visits, dishes 3 feet high and mice that just keep smiling at me.  The mice always head inside for the winter but these little guys are brazen!  Not only do they come out at night they stroll across the counter top during the day stop to look at you and mosey on their way! I am going to try to snap a picture of one since they stare at me for such a long time as they pass by they might be willing to strike a pose for the camera.  

Well that didn't work but the mouse traps helped cut down on the migration from one area to the other!  But that is part of life away from the city.... at least for the country mouse any way  :)  So here it is another week ended and I am no closer from my weight or house cleaning goals.  I really think there has to be more to my dilemma than meets the eye....

But it is time to set procrastination aside and force myself to get things done. I started by tackling the dishes and starting dinner for the girls. 

It has been weeks since I started this post and the drama at work has totally hindered my ability to adapt to my life as it now is. There are some who just can't accept authority and will rebuke any attempt that is not their own idea. Others who rebuke the Christmas season and or the meaning for the residents. For good reasons and not to be mean but more to force their own beliefs on an elderly crowd.

Now it's been a month since I started this post. We survived the holiday and the residents were excited about their gifts and their Christmas tree. I love making it special for them! If I weren't so technically challenged I would be able to post a picture of the tree and some of the decorations around the resident lounge. But I can't. Insert a sad face here.....

I have learned a lot this last six months. Not all of it easy but all of it was necessary. It sometimes "stinks" to be in charge. I really don't like firing people but I have a problem turning a "blind eye" to laziness. Lucky for me my most recent problem child chose to go to another department.

As you can see I figured something out!!! I had no idea that stuff just hangs out in the ozone layer waiting for you to find it again!!! OMGoodness this is crazy!!


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