Happy Father's Day....or what else could go wrong?

Today was Father's Day, at least in the United States anyway.  Fun was planned by the youngest of the oldest group of kids so off we went to her home with kids and puppies in tow. Mary is usually the child to host the holiday events and this was different only because no one showed but us. She had food for an army and ... well we are not an army.  They have direct TV so DH is always willing to go and sit on their couch and slee... I mean watch whatever game is on.  Lunch was burgers and brats by the menu plan, however when it turned out that we were alone, the seven of us instead of 19 the meal was adjusted and Philly Cheese steak sandwiches were enjoyed.

After the feast it was water ballon time for the littles! Of course the bigs had to fill the water balloons for the littles and they ended up just as wet.  The puppies all got bathed by Mary and I and they were just as cute and quiet as puppies could be. With all that excitement it was soon time to return home and work on things here. Like telling the kids to put the puppies down every three and half minutes, clean up puppy stuff and kid messes.

With the cooler weather it seemed safe to go water all the fruit trees and the rhubarb patch. Pepe and I did that and then we moved 25 tires to start forming the west fence around the garden area.  My desire is to cover the tires in stucco and make a "barrier" wall to hopefully keep the Llamas out of the garden area.  They like fresh veggies and fruit.  We found a bunch of aluminum soda cans under all those tires so we bagged them and will put them with the rest of the recycles.

The girls settled for left over chicken noodle soup and I hung the wash in turbulent wind.  Blowing hard from the north and whipping back abruptly from the south. Then it started sprinkling... I decided to risk it and left them out there while I mopped the kitchen floor and told the girls to leave the puppies alone some more. I really hate myself when I yell at them. Today I had no patience after getting five calls from work over different things for the residents, whom I really do love, I really just had nothing left and that is not fair to my kids.

Now it is bedtime and they are exhausted as well as I and then I looked at the fish tank and cannot hardly see any fish.... All week DH has made it a point to say that he has fed the fish.  Cool I thought until tonight. The whole bottom of the tank has a layer of food on it and the floor around the tank too.  He stated "maybe you need to change the filters"? No maybe about it anymore. I think it might be faster to clean the whole tank but it just isn't going to happen tonight. I went ahead and changed the filters, which were also "coated in fish food" and tossed them into the garden compost. No wonder we were out of fish food after only one week.

The clothes are off the line and not dry so into the dryer they went. Littles and puppies are asleep and I am going to close for tonight and wish all the dads I know a good and restful sleep through this post. Good night!


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