How to tour a house with very little time... Uninvited.

This post is going to be a little different.. I have an accomplice.  She is a co-worker and we both were up for a little adventure yesterday.  The day started off early and she had offered to come in and cover the cart while I went to my pre-op appointment.  When she arrived we had no plans of doing what we ultimately ended up doing.  She took over the cart and I headed out to my appointment.  Then the daughter of one of my favorite resident's called and asked if I would meet her at her Dad's house and pick up a tangerine tree that he had planted years ago.  She is having an estate sale and did not want the tree to go to just anyone.  She and have become friends over the years and remained friends even after her Dad's death last year. In fact if I had a drinking buddy, it would be her. We share food porn (when my phone will let me send pictures) and secrets that I would never tell anyone else...ANYONE! So of course I will go over and meet her. The plan is to go on my way back to work.

On to the appointment, while waiting for the surgeon I receive a text from work that distracts me from my promise to go see my friend. I finish and head back to work to resolve the issue at hand. Which takes all afternoon and next thing I know it is almost 2pm and I have to take the cart at the change of shift and work until six.  So my work friend and I decide to sneak away. Our plan is to tell my boss that I have to go pick up a prescription...ooops! He offers to go for me, so I ask if he has access to the base? He says no so I get to go Yay! She leaves out one door and I leave out the other. Twenty minutes later we are at our destination. The house was the right color, the driveway the right shape and wow! now it was paved.  Last year it was blacktop.

 I had been to her Dad's house, once, in the dark, over a year ago.  So I get out of my car and she gets out of hers we go to the front door and knock, and holler out my friend's name.  No response, but the windows are open and it sounds like someone running water. So I deduce that my friend is cleaning somewhere in the back of the house and we should go around to the back door. The back yard is huge! Just like she described (I had never been in the house or the yard just the driveway). I could picture it being filled with plants and garden things just like her Dad would have liked. But of course now they were getting ready to put it on the market so just neatly trimmed lawn and shrubs and of course some grapevines. As we turned around and headed toward the back door we noticed it was propped open so in we went. Me first since I was the oldest or bravest, but I suspect it was just being the oldest. Anyway, I called out her name as I entered, and no response but we could hear the water still.

I explored, she followed. I pondered silently why the house was so empty, after all she was about to have an estate sale, but then I thought they must have cleared it all out. Except a brand new coffee maker and a cat litter box. Yes these things did make me wonder for a second. But only a second as I glanced into what appeared to be a bedroom (it had an unmade bed and bunch of men's shoes lined up against the wall)  I chalked these up to a grandson staying at the house... it made sense in my weird little world.  You know the one where you walk into houses blindly if the door is open. My accomplice, or work friend, said I think she is in the shower. Which made me think aha that is why she asked what time I would be here, she wanted to take a shower. Well, that thought voiced we decided to exit the house and go back to the front door. We did exactly that and knocked again. Still no answer. That was when I thought, I'll text her and let her know we are here.

The reply came, and it was not good. We jumped into our cars and headed down the road to the same color house and a blacktop driveway, laughing so hard I was sure we would pee our pants! But the story doesn't end there... Of course I shared the details with my friend as we got a tour of the house that was more than fully furnished LOL!

My friend was kind enough to keep us away from the police so she advised that perhaps we should exit the neighborhood from the opposite way we entered and we obliged.  We were a tad bit longer getting back to work than what I had anticipated, I chalked that up to the self guided tour through a random house, but I digress. It took time to shove a potted,5 foot tangerine tree into a Ford Focus, filled with kid gear and canning jars. My accomplice that went with me have given me five cases of canning jars the day before while we were at her house swimming, so all that gear was still in the car too. I would like to submit that as evidence that picking up a tree was not on the "plan of the day" list. Surely I would have emptied the car if it had been.

On our way back we were talking by cell phone planning our entrance and where I should park to avoid the obvious tree in my car being readily noticed. We were  going just a bit fast through a school zone when a light changed.. it was solid orange and I said "I am going to lose you here.... well maybe not" as she rolled through right after me.  It was then two motorcycle police pulled out. I think my words were "hang up, hang up the police are behind us!" But there may have been some expletives in there. They sped up rapidly behind her and followed two miles then jetted out around her and got right behind me! I did not run the next light and I did not speed and they still stayed there... then the road was about to end... they turned! YAY!!!! The next turn was my work and I parked, ran in to the building, up to my floor, like nothing happened, except that I was smiling like I just got away with something wild.. :) ..... because I had!!!!


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