No Rainbow... no nap and no day off!

After a mere 8 days in her new home DD has taken to visiting her old home (which we currently occupy) of course this was after I had spent 4 of her 8 days with her. She and DSIL#2 had been taking care of the girls for me while DH rested in the most expensive hospital we have close by. Now that he is home things should get smoother....right! I have been to look at several houses in town and a few out of town....and that said I'm still looking.

Two days after his arrival home young grandson, here after known as YDGS, decided to jump ditches with a friend and off we go to the ER again! Luckily it was just a bad sprain but oh what a good time for it. No need to take time off of school, just order in a blizzard! You get two free days off of school! How cool is that? Okay for the littles very cool except that we no longer own any sleds and I had the privilege of being at work when it hit and of course getting to spend the day, night and another day.

So the blog has been neglected for a while. The good news is that I did accomplish quite a bit and well the roads were dicey but improving. Today the maintenance guys volunteered to go to the Air Force Academy to pick up one of the nurses that couldn't get in so I got to go with them. I-25 was shut down about a mile or so from the exit to the entrance. This made for an interesting trip through the woods and over the snow mounds. The snow was beautiful!

This was the view the morning it started
Tomorrow I will be able to load pictures from the trip to the Academy. There are some awesome sled hills there! I shall purchase sleds for the littles and if it gets me in trouble or not we are going to go sledding!

Well enough for tonight I really need some sleep and not on these!
I will say I am thankful they were available! Very handy for "team building sleepovers"!


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