Another week gone by.... oh wait it is almost a month and what have I done?

Time is passing by quickly and the clean up process at the burn site has been stalled by this or that and the weather too.  Work is playing its' part also. Try as I might I cannot get out of there or take comp time. Something always seems to interfere in my plans. Take yesterday as an example... the plan was just the morning meeting and one assessment...followed by a room move, a case of bed bugs and another room move and the beginning of the deep clean required. Next thing you know it is 1800 and a trip to the commissary is still needed.

Then Saturday happens and you have to take kiddos to the doctor, clean house, babysit and try to remember where you put that to  do list...hmm I'm not busy at all. Not sure why I can't get anything done. Oh and that's just great the dog has decided today is the day to have puppies.  Well six hours have lapsed and we have six new puppies! I will post pictures another time. Right now trying to keep 5 kids away from 6 new puppies and keep the other two dogs away also is a huge task! Thank goodness that my daughter came over to visit and pick up her kiddo! We had to assist with number four by tying the cord and cutting it as the placenta just would not deliver and the momma couldn't reach it we waited over an hour but then we called the vet and they directed us to tie off and cut the cord.

It was more than time to return one child to its' mother so I left the birthing of the puppies to the two dental folks while I dropped off the baby and picked up dinner.
I went to Big R last night and the chicks for spring are in! Ducks too! This is when I wish we were in our own home and not renting. But patience will pay off.

Well a night with newborn pups isn't much different than a night with a newborn human! Up and down all night. If not with the momma dog then with the six year-old who has an amazing ability to stay awake until the wee hours of the morning and still get up at 0430! Talking a hundred miles an hour and not missing a beat on how mean I am that I won't let her pick up the puppies.

I no longer have my amazing kitchen aid mixer, so bread making and butter churning, whip cream had all gone to prepacked for a while.  I did purchase a butter churn a few weeks back, even though a mason jar would do, and I am back to making butter.  Also after our little "blizzard" this past week I was in King Soopers, looking for a round cookie cutter, when I stumbled on to this little gadget made by iSi.  You can see it here
It "whips" your cream into the consistency of the "Redi-whip" that you purchase in the store! Now I know it was pricey and the canisters to charge it, only charge it once and have to be replaced, but it is amazing and doesn't get watery after the first use like the store bought stuff! Plus other than CO2 there is nothing added to keep it fresh. The package and the website state that it will last 10 days in the fridge. I am not so sure of that as my bunch use it within 24 hours.

My patience is at a minimum today. I haven't even made coffee yet. I went 7 days without it and I didn't drink creamer from the jar so maybe I am not an addict after all! But I did break down and purchase a French press to make coffee in. I left the 4 cup coffee maker at my daughter's new house while DH was in the hospital and it has been there ever since.

A new decision has been made on the location of our next house and who will build it.... again.


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