Even sadder today...

I thought for sure I was going to have to explain puppies last night but in fact one was so sad about not going to "Passport Night" that she didn't notice that we only had five puppies. She ended up falling asleep when the older one got home and that was that. Even this morning went off without a hitch. But then it happened... school let out and they wanted to play at this house instead of the new house.  My youngest little went up to check the puppies and darn! She did learn to count this semester! No Happy Meal is going to fix this... the sobbing went on for about 40 minutes. No matter there are still 8 dogs in this house... we are short one puppy and that is NOT okay with anyone!

Well 40 minutes of wailing and they are starting to settle down. Every once in a while they start to be sad again but it is less often. Gigi went home  and you could tell she is still quite sad about the whole deal. DD number 6, came and tried to get the runts to latch on to momma so we could avoid another loss. Hopefully their little bellies are full enough to sleep a few hours as their momma is tired of nursing them already. They would not latch on to the bottle at all so we will have supervise some of the nursing sessions... great one more thing that I need to get good at.

I even offered to go to Big R and buy some ducks! Of course then I would have to deal with where to put them and how to take care of them. That was never a really viable option. With one task still left to do I headed out to get formula for a friend who is sick. The formula is for the kiddo who is also not feeling her tip top self. On attempting to go to sleep came even more fun. Puppies are not sleeping, latching or being quiet at all. So from midnight to 0330 all puppies, bigger dogs and the youngest little were up.  I am so tired I could just sleep all day. And in reality it is really only 0515 not 0615 (insert an angry face).

I really dislike the time change twice a year. While speaking to a friend in Arizona last night she reminded me that they don't participate as she was taking her kids bike riding at 6pm her time.
She also bragged about her 78 degree weather at 6pm. That's okay I replied "the snowflakes are falling gently as I drive". Strange enough she wasn't the least bit jealous.

It was a very tiring night and I have lost my cup of coffee this morning... I'll find it eventually. Not sure when but at least in the next month. That is a realistic goal as we are scheduled to move out in April.

This will be lunch today it is a repeat of last month but it was good then I am sure it will be good today

Here is baby momma

here are babies of baby momma...gotta close it is late and still have to take things to kiddos at number 6's house..It is moving weekend and being at work all day really took time away from the task at hand.


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