Sad day today...

On arising and 0330 this morning I am sad to say that we lost a puppy. It was still warm but unresponsive. We gave him the name Star and DH took him to the property to bury him next to the host of other pets that have gone before. With all the things that have happened just since the first of the year you would think it would be easy to just give notice...again... and move on.  It isn't... I don't know why but it isn't.

Our next storm is due to go through about Wednesday so hopefully it will bring just rain and the snow and ice will stay away. Maybe it can go to Texas or Mexico or some warm state that may appreciate the break. I really would like to see spring but not so much summer with its' overbearing heat.

In about two minutes I am going to have explain why there are only five puppies.. I hate this part of life.

Have you ever gone to work or shopping and thought you shut the doors? Yeah me too. And no I didn't. Does it make you nervous to enter in? Well let me tell you a little story from a few weeks ago. I took off to do something, it may have been go to Costco or see a house I don't really remember. What I do remember was arriving home and needing to get inside immediately so I could go potty. As I raced up to the bathroom (not on the main level) I noticed the back door wide open and the three dogs outside. No time to worry if there was a stranger in the house or not. (which brings to mind another tale for another day) I digress. As I run up the stairs  I tell the kids to check on the dogs. Now it doesn't take long to pee unless you're a nurse, and it's even longer if you're an OR nurse (they have a bladder the size of a Winnebago). As I come down the stairs I notice it is very quiet for three kids and three dogs. As I come around the side of the refrigerator I am looking the opposite way out the door to the backyard. I then realize something isn't right. Still looking where I had been instead of where I was headed, I bump into a person which startles me and then for a split second I am just staring. Staring at my son-in-law, my daughter and all three kids huddled up on the other side of the refrigerator waiting to scare the bajeezies out of me! Good thing I had already peed. That's all I have to say about that.

A little side note I had locked the door with the dogs inside. They let them out when they arrived right before me.

It is nice to have some levity to think back on and it helps to ease the pain of all the events that have occurred. Now on to what the soup for tonight will be. Cooking is therapeutic for me it would be more so if I had a maid to clean up my mess... just sayin'. I purchased an old Vitamix online much like the other old one that was lost in the blaze and it is just as strong as that one was! I am very happy with it. Something about the stainless steel pitcher is more appealing to me than the newer plastic ones.  Trying to teach DD, number six, how to make homemade tomato soup.. okay tomato tortellini soup. I had cooked the tortellini ahead of time in the instant pot.  I placed a can of tomatoes  into the Vitamix with a can of tomato sauce and a block of cream cheese. I blended all of it for about 15 seconds. Smooth as silk! Those items were placed into the instant pot with 3 cups of chicken broth and the already cooked tortellini  I then added 1 cup of whipping cream and brought the mixture to a simmer. Dinner done!

Yummy! So that will be what we have tonight I know it's a little too warm outside for soup but soup is sooo good! Goodnight world! and Goodnight LLL


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