Crazy week... Meet crazy weekend!

This has been a very crazy week! So many things happening and even more when you think you're done!
First our asbestos samples weren't good enough and then we get word that demolition can start, not even 48 hours post recollection! The same day DD gets word that her mortgage is approved and she can move in tomorrow... Of course during the night DSIL (Dear Son-In-Law) falls down his basement stairs and fractures 4 places in his back :(
I mean really if you don't want to help move your in-law's... Just say so. So DD has to take time off work and find a sitter once DSIL is released from hospital. Guess who that sitter was :)
Not to be left out DH is sitting, well laying really, in a hospital bed waiting to rule out a heart attack.. And since I'm not babysitting DSIL at 0205 on a snowy Sunday morning...I may a week be here for the fun of it :-) I do miss my days of sleeping.
I guess sleep really is a waste of time.

I mean really just three days ago I was pulling plastic monkeys out of slime! Does life get any better?
Hope there's a nap at the end of the rainbow  :) till next time!!!


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