10 Days to go!

Yes it is true there are but 10 days until Christmas 2020. I am not even stressed yet. I must have the virus. Today an email arrived stating that half of my order for "Santa" is delayed. Still no signs of being stressed yet... I was able to obtain red and black soup mugs today. Yay! They will go nicely with the buffalo plaid soup cozies. 

Did I say soup cozies? Yes, yes I did. What are they for? For the person who has everything else of course! I can hear the kids fussing about an internet game as I type. Still no stress. Perhaps in 7 days I will be so stressed that I cannot stand it. For now, I'm good.

This year my daughter and I really resolved that handmade gifts would be the theme. (This is where soup cozies come in) Neither of us had ever considered them to be a thing, but her 16 year-old has an ongoing battle with the microwave and hot cups. Also my son-in-law, different family branch, has the same trouble. His became a $1200 problem because he dropped his hot cup on to a glass top range. Now cozies are a thing. Most folks we know have everything they could want or need, so unique and handmade is going to be fun.

She made an adorable one this afternoon for her daughter's flute teacher here it is!

She paired this with several little mixes for microwave soups and mug cake desserts and of course a matching black mug. Oh, there was also a lip balm holder key chain fob with the same musical note print fabric that she made to go with this. She forgot to take a picture for me though. Her daughter returned from class beaming with pride that she was the only student that provided a gift that wasn't cookies. Here I thought teachers only had to worry about ornaments and coffee mugs at Christmas. Now cookies are a threat!

Well my fabric is in the dryer and my soup cozies will appear sometime tomorrow if all goes well. I chose some cute llama fabric for a microwave popcorn bag and a scrunchy for my friend's daughter. I can hardly wait to see if she likes them! Meanwhile, I am getting ready to replace the cushion that the dogs destroyed. I have the foam pieces ready to glue together. Once that is done it needs to set overnight.

On that note, I will close and finish the Christmas cards that need to go out tomorrow and wish you good night. Maybe I'll find some music to put on, perhaps a chorus of "Jingle Bells" is in order....


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