12 Days of Christmas

 Remember the song "12 days of Christmas"? I believe this traditionally starts on Christmas day but don't quote me. However, my 10 ten-old decided to start yesterday. Her gift to me was "one fractured wrist". I can hardly wait to see how the rest of the song plays out!

Last week was busy, so busy in fact the birthday wishes were late. So, Happy Birthday! Just in case they were overlooked once given. Now to finish up the holiday shopping I finally ordered two of the requested items for the girls. Hopefully they will arrive before the big day, but if not life will go on.

This past year I resolved to do a craft each month. It was not a total fail. Several hats were made, two blankets and one was started but the yarn color went out of stock. There is still time to make a replacement on that and I might. Two pair of slippers were finished and homemade Vaseline gifts were made for Maddy's baby shower. So all in all I almost covered each month but not on a monthly basis.

My hope is to finish the crafts that are started and next year be more organized. Maybe I should plan one or the other! Holiday cards are started and ten have been mailed. That is more than in any of the last ten years. This is proof there has been progress!

So all that is left is to wrap what I have on hand, mail the balance of the cards and finish some crafts that have been started. When these things are done this year goes into the books.


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