
 This week has been one of remembering... not the things I need to get done. Just remembering the past. Days gone by. I am probably the most technically challenged person I know so trying to get into old accounts and retrieve pictures is especially challenging. However, I did manage to retrieve a few. (344)

After having many of them printed at Walgreen's I brought them home and have enjoyed watching the girls as they admire their baby pictures and tell what "they remember". The youngest is 8 and she had vivid stories to tell me about each picture. Which for her they started at about 6 weeks of age. Amazing the tales she had!

Now it has been a challenge in another way in that I ran over my phone. Gorilla glass is not strong enough. The real challenge came in trying to make a claim. They require you get information off of the phone. Some little number called an "IEMI" I think is what they wanted. Well, hello, I can't. So I spent an afternoon looking through boxes hoping to find the original packaging, as I was told it would be on the box. Never found it. 

I continued with my claim and submitted it only to receive an email that I had to upload a picture of my ID front and back to continue the claim! Instructions were to take a picture with your phone. I can't! Luckily I had not deleted the picture that was required for my nursing license renewal from the computer so I tried that. It was only the front but it was a start.

After 15 failed attempts to upload a photo ID I turned the computer off and went to bed. The next day I opened the claim and started again. I wish I knew where in the process I am as it now says my claim is under review. There is also an email requesting a photo ID and one that says they need more information, all with the same time and date stamp.

In the meantime, the puppies are one year old today. I guess that makes them dogs officially. Yesterday I extended the dog pen to 60 feet in length and 10 feet in width at the north end of it to 20 feet at the south end. They go outside more willingly to the east than before. So when the neighbor who "gifted" us these dogs called to let me know it was their birthday I promptly let her know they have a new pen for the occasion. I don't think she was impressed. 

I also decorated the new pen with Christmas lights to cheer them up in their new found captivity. I can actually go out and throw them a ball. Which they chase and then return empty mouth for me to throw something else. Eventually they will learn to like their new pen. I like it already.

Well I guess I'll get back to decorating and go to the phone store tomorrow... perhaps they can make sense of this or activate one of my old phones, or sell me a new one! I am almost positive they will push for the latter.

I need to go to town anyway for chicken food and to get my labs read and to my workplace. Yes I said those evil words... work place. I have taken the plunge and am going back as soon as I return from our travels.

Although I have plenty more to write I will close for now and finish the things around here that need to be done. Good night world and only 5 days to go!


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