Day 2 of December

 Good morning world! It is day 2 of December and I stayed up late last night... for me anyway. At 10:15 pm I turned off the television and to my surprise everyone had turned in before me. The first day of December had been unusually cold and windy, really windy. So other than feeding the chickens and getting a folding table out of the truck I stayed inside. 

As the wind whipped around and caused the trees to moan under the pressure I watched the birds pecking at some seed I had put out for them. It really seemed as though they needed more, but I did not want to brave the cold. Within a few minutes I decided to give them more seed and stop being such a wimp about the cold. Then I remembered that I had put a tray of seed on the "Genny" stump. I'll explain in a minute what that is. After retrieving the tray it was pretty obvious that they had not really touched the seed. So I placed the tray on the ground and went back inside to watch the birds again.

The "Genny" stump is the remainder of the tree that Genny planted as a young teen. She and her brother Daniel each grabbed a branch of an elm tree and shoved them into the ground about forty feet apart. Both trees thrived and grew to over forty feet in height. Unfortunately when the house burned in 2019 so did the "Genny" tree. It was a goner or so we thought. During the cleanup the tree was cut down leaving a 3 foot tall stump.

I intended to make that stump the base of a picnic table and use some of the cut up portion as "seats". The pieces that were cut thinner I thought would make interesting side tables some day. Life got busy and the stump was left alone. This past summer many shoots grew out of the base of that stump providing cover for the little birds who come for the seed that is put out. This changes the plans for a table base using that stump and the "Genny" tree is not dead after all.

That, of course, is not why I decided to write about the first day of the month. This is why. As cold and windy as it was the dogs wanted to be outside. So outside they went and after about fifteen minutes I noticed they were back at the door... with another carcass. I grabbed a plastic bag and stepped barefoot, out on to the brick stoop to grab it from them. It turned out to be a ham bone. So against my better judgement I let them keep it.

When I went to bed I put down a few puppy pads as one dog had taken liberties on my carpet again. Knowing that they had all eaten a portion of the ham on that bone I thought, better safe than sorry. The grandkids were due to come over at 0600 on day two and there wouldn't be much time to clean up before they arrived if there were an accident, or an on purpose.

At 0250 on day two I awoke to whimpering and thought I better let the bozo's out. After all ham is rich compared to their kibble. As I walked into the hallway I saw it. A huge dark brown spot right in the middle of the hall entrance. Just beyond that no less than 7 piles of poo. Grr... I am tired of cleaning up after dogs! I sent all out into the cold, still super windy, night and started the clean up phase.

Thankfully, the huge brown spot was just fresh, still warm, urine and not diarrhea. Not that it being that is acceptable, it is just less  disgusting to clean up. Lucky for me a lot of what they did was on the puppy pads that I had laid out, but some was not and carpet scrubbing will be on my list today.

I did not take pictures of the mess this time... I have way too many of those "tokens". Since I am up anyway I thought I would do laundry, dishes and make a quick post to the very neglected blog. 

This very blurry photo is of the little birds on the "Genny" tree. So much nicer to look at than dirty carpet and naughty dogs! Have a great day world! I am going to browse the internet for "solutions"...


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