It is week 39!!!!

 Week 39 doesn't really mean anything, except that we are out of the 40's! It was pancakes and waffles again this morning as I forgot cereal at the store yesterday. Not to worry though we have 5 different types/brands of pancake mix to use up in the next six months. We are starting another pantry challenge with the adult kids as one is selling her home and the other just needs to use more stuff up before the seasons change and so do I.

When I cleaned the pantry and found the extra pancake mixes, I began to realize the challenge needed to continue. There are other things to use up too. The kids that are selling their home are going to move into our camper for a few weeks until they can decide where they want to settle. It has been their desire to move out of state. Over spring break, they took a road trip to a few of the communities that had been on the radar for them. Unfortunately, they did not find anything that they liked very well.

It has been my thought to offer them our school bus to renovate and move into so that they can travel for a bit. I think I would enjoy doing that but with everything we have going on right now that is not likely to happen for us. So, why not? I'm sure there are a million and one reasons for and against.

The day progressed somewhat as normal... then the kids asked me to make more Kool aid. I had just finished making the Mocha for the oldest and it didn't seem like a bad idea. So, I started to do it, then the trouble revealed itself.

Two kids had too much time on their hands and too much powder on their hair. Well, this changed the plans for the afternoon. I am sure my granddaughter thought I was mad, and I was for a hot minute, but they were trying to have fun and they did. The bathroom needed cleaning anyway and I was about to send the grandchild home on grampa's way to drop the oldest off to her friend's house this just made it without the Kool aid that I had started to make. I wish the photos of them with grey hair would transfer to this blog but alas, they won't.

Back to the cleaning for me. When I think about it, they must have been trying to distract me with the Kool aid prank.


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