Week 37!

 Today is Easter Sunday. The service this morning was a sunrise service. For some reason, besides being awakened at 0230 by an over-excited 9-year-old, it did not register to me that a sunrise service would be outside. Now to be fair I have been to quite a few sunrise services in my time and all of them were located outdoors. Why I thought this one was in the gymnasium is a mystery. Getting the girls ready went fairly fast but DH put the rush on me and that always throws me a bit off. I generally have a plan of action in my little pea-sized brain, and to not be allowed to think it through, at times, will throw me a curveball. Today was one of those times.

We arrived at the high school and were directed to the football field. That was not in my thought process at all. I did have a sweatshirt type coat that I could throw on the youngest kiddo and I placed the two girls between us on the cold aluminum bleacher. Much whining ensued. A nice lady sitting behind us gave up her blanket for the youngest and the whining diminished. About five minutes before the end of the service it dawned on me that in the cargo space of the van were a sleeping bag and a blanket from the older kiddo's overnight field trip. Boy did I feel a bit silly. Personally, I did not feel at all cold.

The day continued with a planned trip to the older daughter's home for an egg hunt. Before that there were two more church services scheduled but indoors. I elected to watch on the computer and try to get things ready for the kids. The Easter Baskets were not filled with toys and junk this year and that disappointed the youngest. They are getting older and she in fact let me know she did not believe in the Easter Bunny. That was a relief to my ears! No more trying to feign surprise at where the bunny got the amazing contents! No more trying to outdo last year's contents. Just give the kiddos some candy and the real meaning for us in the holiday and that is that. NOT!!

So here it is the evening after, and we are so sugared up no one can think correctly. To top it all off there is no school tomorrow. Now that is just wrong. 

The youngest male adult in my collection

The youngest female... 

plastic egg attacked by squirrels

This one actually eaten along with contents

It seems the squirrels were annoyed that they were not invited to the egg hunt. There were ten eggs that we found that had been attacked by squirrels. At least that is the number we found, who knows what they made off with! 

The whole week was a whirlwind with starting back to work. I am glad to be PRN and have something else to help me get back in the swing of things. I think I already miss being a stay at home, but I also miss working in the world and talking to other adults. I am sure my tenure in the workforce will be short-lived for other reasons but at least I'll whatever time I can get in the next few months to remember what work is like.

With that I will close and look forward to the week ahead!


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