It's Time to slow down a bit... but not stop!

 Here we are approaching the Easter holiday are moving faster and faster each day. Starting back to work is good but now I have lots more decisions to make. Things with SIL's house are moving along and hopefully it will be on the market by next weekend. Not sure anyone will be house hunting the week before Easter. Although, you never know. 

This week I am flying solo with all the chores and kids and SIL routines. So far it hasn't been too stressful. SIL and I went to lunch and a bit of shopping yesterday. It had to end when she gave me the "look". It is a distinctive look, as if I had just landed from Mars. Usually that is a sign that dementia is rearing its ugly head and about to change the world as SIL knows it. We quickly checked out of Target and headed back to the AL.

Lunch yesterday at Taco Bell

On arrival we met up with an old co-worker and friend of mine that was picking up a shift at the facility. She peeked in on SIL now and again after I left. She called me when SIL refused to take her pills that evening and we talked her through the process. Today I went to visit and had planned to take her out for an ice cream. That did not work out the way I had imagined. The youngest child and I left sans SIL. Four hours from the time I left home until I picked up the older child and then an hour ride home.

Doing pills today in new outfit

I was at the beginning of the highway that leads to home when I received a call from SIL asking me if the kids were well enough to go to Target. It caught me off guard, because we had just gone yesterday. But in her mind, I had told her that the kids wanted to go yesterday with us until their friends had invited them elsewhere. So, it is only appropriate to go to Target today. I feigned illness for the oldest kid and told her to call me when she finishes her own dinner.

We have been back home for about an hour and I am wondering where to start on my projects. So much to do and so little time. The kiddos have school in the morning and the baby will be here to keep me on my toes whether I need that or not.

So, I will close and get busy!


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