Mish mash and other musings...

 After a wildly weird weekend and missing church on Sunday, I have started the weekly bill paying list. We had discussed taking out a loan to pay off a few things and then build a garage, and although that is still on the table, we plan to wait a bit longer. We may be able to self-finance and still get it done in this lifetime. 

lucky lane deer 

Looking at the list of things that are paid each month, we made a decision to wipe the slate clean. During the calling of each active credit card, we overlooked one that somehow had a balance that we did not know about. After researching the purchase made in January, we decided it might be fraud. That being taken care of marked the end of the week. The adventures that happened at the beginning of the week were pretty chaotic as well.

Sunday was a bust with missing church and having the fun of the smoke alarms all night. We were going to deliver homemade get-well cards to the favorite mom in my daughter's neighborhood. I also had a short list of needs and thought I could leave the kids with my daughter and run to WM and the auto-parts store. At the first AP store the worker denied any knowledge of the part I was looking for. He also told me I needed a new alternator and battery. I explained that we had just purchased those items and had installed them. He asked if I did myself and I immediately thought of something sarcastic to say, but I held my tongue and said no that DH had. Both counter clerks rolled their eyes and asked if he tightened everything down. Now I rolled my eyes in my mind. 

Sunday morning chaos 

no more cinnamon crescent rolls 

plenty of rice and the missing cinnamon stuff 

Grits anyone?

Getting nowhere with these two I looked at my granddaughter and said let's go. It had been a nice day weatherwise, and we wanted to get the part so that we could hopefully get the van to run without all the crazy alert lights that it gives. Her car had originally failed to start at the house, but it was just that the steering wheel was locked in a peculiar position. So, I offered to drive so she didn't have to stress over that happening again and so I could get the part I thought I might need. You know the part that AP guys said does not exist. WM was directly across the road from the AP store so off we went. 

Getting out of the car the sky started spitting snow at us. WTH?!? Armed without my list and a very poor memory of what was on it, oh and also a bad attitude from the previous store, we headed in. Of the things that I did remember from the list they were out of all but three of them. We left and I let DH know that the guys said the part does not exist and google is wrong. I then headed to the next AP store.

Amazingly, the part did exist at that store although it took some digging on the part of the counter clerk to find it in the online manual for the car. We headed to my daughter's house to drop off granddaughter and to pick up my kids. It was getting a bit late, and I still had to fix dinner, so we headed home. Once home DH revealed that he gotten some mail and put it on the table sometime last week. It was the letter that I had been looking out for. The oldest child's biological grandma had sent it and kept texting to see if it had arrived yet. I thought it had not. Now it was nowhere to be found. I decided that I would gather every piece of paper this week and sort until it appeared.

where the part goes

 the grand scheme of parts

Good morning wishes on Monday did not seem that good. I had started the list of outgoing money and I was on page 2. I had also started the gathering of paper clutter. That was also not that good. I realized then that papers that I had started sorting had been moved. And since nobody else had done the moving it must have been me. Seeds still needed planting and paper needed shredding. The phone calls to the doctor about the sleepless night and the lack of PT referral were put in. There was an emergency virtual appointment made and the med was changed. The shredder is not working. Tuesday might be better.

Tuesday showed up as planned. We had a 1000 appointment for the youngest. On the way I got pulled over for no brake light. Luckily, I had purchased the bulbs and had them in the car and just had not installed them. I promised to get that done that day. We dropped off meds to the nursing home and picked meds for the youngest. Three meltdowns later we were on our way home. Once back home the search began again, still no letter was found. The youngest informed DH that mommy got pulled over in the morning. His look of shock was priceless, but not enough to motivate him to change the bulbs in the car. He promised to take care of it after he returned from the gym at 3pm. I asked where the screwdriver was so I could do it myself. He got frustrated and said no he would do it. I then explained that even if he got back at 3 and only took ten minutes to change all the bulbs that were out, I would be late for the guitar lessons for the oldest kid. My frustration was building. The bulb got changed. Only one because he did not hear me say where they were located and that was all he had on hand. 

hide and seek at EACH 

 sadly it doesn't spin

bored half to death 

 wondering what she can get into

The girls and I went to town for the oldest child's guitar lessons. While out we stopped at the phone store to check on an upgrade for the oldest and to start a new line for the youngest. Very disappointing results. It turns out the limit of lines on a family plan is 6 plus any device lines. We are at 6 already.  Meltdowns galore. We left then returned with some composure. I contacted my DIL to see if she was ready to remove her line from my account and free up space for the youngest. She was. I let the kids know that phones would wait for a day. We then found out that the phones selected by the kids were out of stock. More meltdowns. We headed home. Wednesday surely would be better.

Wednesday arrived, no letter. No extra phone either. I have a special phone that is just for freelance jobs. I hadn't seen it since before I fell. I had intended to let the older kiddo try it out and if she liked it, we would upgrade her to that kind, or she could wait until the one she wanted was in stock. My DIL had completed her task and I had promised the phone line so off to the store I went. I went solo because I intended to do one other thing while out and did not want kids in tow. While out I found my rolling chair!! It spins too!! Okay that part may not be good. To top off Wednesday, a squirrel has made its home in the closet of the other house. I contacted pest removal and found that the cute little squirrel is going to cost $350/week to remove humanely and relocate. I am sure this animal knows where it lives. So that could be profitable for the pest service.

Wednesday night was a bit of a blur as I continued to try and find the two items and sorted tax paperwork from other stuff along the way. That was done between endless games of UNO Flip. The oldest is learning to shuffle so she has to deal each hand while I try frantically to complete a quick task. Thursday, I canceled the pest guy due to the weather, we stayed home and searched the house because it snowed and was too cold to venture out in a car without heat if not necessary. The wind blew ferociously. It was a long day and a good day to read a book. Too bad there were missing items that needed finding.

Friday morning arrived and I canceled the pest guy again. DH wanted to go to an auction, and I had promised the upgrade for the oldest. Plus, it was still cold and snowing I do not need a guy on my roof in the snow. DH was still sleeping so I woke him, and he rushed out of the house. The girls and I followed about an hour later. We headed for my usual phone store only to find they did not have the promised phone. Off to the other store we went. I sent the girls to the Chinese restaurant to get a snack while I got the phone. 

This is where it gets silly. As we transferred her number to the new phone the clerk asked if I wanted to keep her old but newer than my phone on the plan as a free phone. No charge ever, kind of free. With a new number. Just 3 days ago I was told that I was at my limit on lines. Now I can have line #7 for free. I was willing to pay $25 for the 7th line but no, that is not allowed. Oh well I said OKAY, as my extra phone is still missing and hey it's free!

We went home and started the tedious task of transferring phone numbers to kiddo's phone. Of course, we are playing cards during this transfer too. I let my older daughter know about the extra phone thing as her daughter is on my plan too, and she is eligible for an upgrade if they wanted to have an extra line for whatever. 

It was also Friday, so we started a new pill for the ADHD. It seemed to help with impulsivity during the day. Sadly, it was another very late night. The kiddo did not find a need to sleep until after 2am. We are skipping the pill today. Time to start a new Saturday... stay tuned for more chaos to come...


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