Time for change...

 I know I have said this before. Really though it is time for a change. The first change I would like to make is to get a rolling chair for this desk. I realize that I have bowed to gravity's power, and I may be provoking gravity to challenge me again with a rolling chair. Hear me out. After reviewing the reports of my injury, I have come to realize that getting up and trying to dodge the four-legged-furry things around my feet I am at greater risk of provoking gravity than if I were to try and roll away from the crowded area before attempting to stand.

After that change is achieved, I would like to address the matter of sleep. This eludes me when it is the appropriate time for such activity. Say 0105 on a regular basis seems to be a wakeup call for me. Then I struggle to return to sleep until about 0430 when I should be waking for the day's activities. If I attempt to go to sleep after this time, I risk sleeping half the day away. Not that the dogs or the kids would allow this, it is just a risk.

The travelers have stopped for the night in Oklahoma. Their goal was Shawnee, but just being part way there is better than still being here. They are headed to Tennessee in the next few days and are just stopping to pick up their teenage son. As they head for the east coast and his sister's home, they plan to spend some time in Tennessee and in the Carolina's as they anticipate the arrival of the new baby. Not their new baby his sister's. Their plan is to be there to help with her 6-year-old son.

Oh, a quick update on my seeds that were planted prior to me succumbing to gravity's call. The Buttercrunch lettuce is knee-high to a grasshopper if we had any to measure with. Thankfully we don't. Of the two types of watermelon seeds planted, the Georgia Rattlesnake seeds have sprouted and are twice as tall as the lettuce.

 watermelon sprouts!

lettuce seedlings! 

Usually, I plant black seeded Simpson lettuce, but I had these on hand, and I am such a procrastinator I decided better some lettuce than no lettuce. Next, I need to start some tomato seeds! 

I tried to make it to PSFB to get my next set of x-rays done but there was a tragic accident out on the main road this morning and the detour took us way across the country roads and we barely made it in time for the orthodontist appointment for the 12-year-old. I was sitting in the office waiting for her to be finished and I thought gee whiz we have been here 45 minutes already; I better get something out of the car to work on. I went out to the car and saw the rear sliding door wide open. It seems the kid was in such a hurry to get inside she forgot shut it and I forgot double check to see if she had shut it. I reached in and grabbed my purse and went back inside the office.

I then paid some online bills and made a short list for Costco. A very short list. Doritos and chips and a pizza from the food court for dinner/supper. Unfortunately, there still was too little time to go by the base and get the x-rays done. Tomorrow is another day, and more time for change! All the way home my thoughts were on the accident victims from this morning. And of course, the idiots that were speeding and weaving in and out of traffic to be the first ones up the hill to the east. I really need a change.


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