First day of Spring has sprung!

To celebrate spring and all that goes with it, we planned a trip to the aquarium in Denver. We started later than planned as I had to motivate more than just myself. DH was on the slow functioning/confused side that morning. The kids and I took the party van we enjoyed the softness of the overstuffed seats and nostalgic feel of a '90's van. It may be a tank, but it rides like a Cadillac! Pure comfort all the way.

The kids had a great time. It was the first time they really led themselves through and seemed to enjoy the majority of the exhibits.

They have changed the name 

But not the attractions

Stingray petting was the favorite

 Two fingers only was repeated often

The brown jellyfish were cool

Coming down from the high view of the tigers

Not everything was exciting

The bubble tanks were!

Two kids could fit

Stingray smiling

Water tunnel

Stingrays were abundant! 

Fossils were too

Otters stole the show

They could have watched these all day!

The week has progressed and not much of what I need to get done has been done. The youngest is having trouble sleeping in her own room. The oldest is having trouble understanding the needs of the youngest. They both have special needs, and they are almost completely opposite special needs. The more I read about the different diagnoses the more I want to go somewhere and have a good cry that I don't have to explain to anyone. I cannot have a good cry because I may not stop if I start. It is not for me that I want to cry it is for the girls and the challenges ahead of them. They should not have these things to go through, but they do, and it is my job to get them to the place where they can do their very best to succeed. There are times it seems overwhelming, again with that word, is there ever just enough whelm in anyone's life?

I teared up twice today and I have to explain myself to DH. He doesn't seem to get that sometimes there is no explanation and others it is just too much to explain. This is the latter. It is much like when I fell and dislocated my shoulder, boy did I want to cry!!! I didn't because I knew it would not help the situation at all. It would have made things worse for the kid who found me, not sure about DH as just the discomfort seemed to be more than he could embrace, the oldest, well there's another story all together. It did not seem to faze her at all.

It has been a roller coaster week as usual. Every day brings an exciting new event. I am sure I will remember Tuesday at some point in this blog, but for now it is a blank. I do know that we found all the missing mail that had eluded us for days. Wednesday brought another day of paper searching. Either Tuesday or Wednesday I went to help my daughter's neighbor find her way safely to the clinic on base. She drove and I sat in the passenger seat to guide her. At some point I had to ask why she stayed a car length away from the white line. Her answer surprised me. She said all Asian women do we are afraid to get too close. I started laughing because I had noticed that seemed to be true. Then she asked why the stop lights shaking so much, I replied because of the high winds. She asked why it is not blowing the car. Again, I laughed and said the death grip you have on the steering wheel is stronger than the wind!
The car is going to beg for mercy soon if you don't relax, I told her. She laughed but the grip continued.

I told her we should make another trip to the clinic, so I know she is okay with the route. We laughed pretty good the rest of the time. Then we went to her house and made plans for lunch the next day. I told her she tries to feed me too much. She said another Asian trait. The next day we had lunch as planned and she went to the clinic while the older girls watched her kiddos. I took the oldest child's phone to the phone store as it no longer worked. One week old and it failed. Luckily it was considered still under warranty and another phone will arrive soon. I offered her use of her previous phone, but she emphatically refused.

On Friday the solar people showed up to do the work the county "demanded". I had to cancel plans for another visit with my new friend as things with SIL came up that needed to be taken care of. Many other things occurred this week that through the train off track in the way of school "work", but we muddled through and made adjustments along the way. It is now another weekend and there is much to do. So I will close for now. Have a great weekend blog world!


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