Return of the travelers

 Saturday, I began to wonder what had happened to the travelers. I went all day without a phone call or a text. That was weird as I thought they would call when they dropped the grandson at his friend's home in Oklahoma. I sent a text and then I thought, that might take a while to arrive, so I called. Turned out they were less than two hours from arrival. They arrived and the pot pie was done just in time. They spent some time getting settled in and we met up again on Sunday morning. 

We did online church on Sunday, as my shoulder wasn't really up to the task. That and DH didn't go to bed until 4 am. As I sit here and type this the youngest kiddo is full of energy and chattering away! I think of all we have been through this year already and I am astounded by the list. The shoulder thing is just one more potato in the stew of life.

Monday brought babysitting again. Little Maddie arrived at 0545 as planned. It was a good day, she warmed up to her cousin that is going to be babysitting her for the next 90 days. She warmed right up to her auntie! This is the little one who picks her caregivers one at a time. I spent a bit of the day trying to navigate the military care system. Finally, I was given an appointment that isn't 3 weeks out from the injury day. 

I am down to the last room on my cleaning list, for tearing apart and cleaning that is. Daily cleaning is ongoing. The dust here is overwhelming... which reminds me... is there ever anyone that has just enough "whelm"? If there is, do they ever announce it? Or just when it is at the overwhelmed point that is gets noticed.

Anyway, the rest of the week is busy with school and the solar people coming out again. Perhaps it will go live before too long. 

It is now Friday, and the week flew by. We had planned to go to Focus on the Family today, however the solar people are coming between 1230 and 1630. We missed our window of opportunity to leave and be there by the opening at 0900. After pondering the options of cutting our visit short or going another day, I think we have opted for another day. Not sure we would have stayed longer than 1130, but that would have been the maximum amount of time that we could have stayed and still made it back in the window of the solar people arriving.

Solar people never arrived; I had the date wrong. Oh well, perhaps next week will be better. I am still getting little things done. It just takes me way longer than it should.  Today the fog is icy and rolling in as if we lived near a bay, which we do not. As the day drug on so too did the boredom. The youngest decided she had to have a pet yesterday, a new pet. I suggested some baby chicks. My thought process was that we would just add them to the flock in 8 weeks and all would be well. The feed store was all out of chicks. We stopped at PetCo because it was near the gas station. She had her heart set on a turtle instead. 

Thank goodness for the pet clerk. He explained the difficulty level of a water turtle and the supplies needed and the length of time needed to prep the aquarium. He basically saved my hide as even I did not remember all of the prep he described. My older kids had a turtle before we received orders for Germany, and all of this was totally foreign to me. We did have a land turtle though. Regardless, he talked her out of a turtle, and we came home with a hermit crab. She has such impulse control issues that I am not sure the crab will last that long. She wants to constantly hold the crab. 

This is a child that must be home before nine. She has an internal clock that goes into hyper drive if up too long after nine pm. The whining is on the level of a 3-5-year-old and is very challenging. I have been searching for weeks for a support group for her and for me. By nightfall I am emotionally exhausted.

She fits the description of FASD to a T. Now that I have said that what exactly does "T" mean? I digress. She has the behaviors and emotions of a 3 to 5-year-old. I have to continually remind myself that she does in fact have brain damage. And while I know a parent doesn't intentionally set out to cause brain damage in their child, I still get angry at what this kiddo will have to endure in life.

Flash forward it is now Monday and the travelers are about to leave for the east coast. They will stop in Oklahoma and pick up their youngest child who has been having his "spring break" with his friend. They have been friends for a few years and when the friend had to move to Oklahoma it was hard on both boys. Their respective moms try to make sure they get "hang out" time when they can. That is the bad part of being a mobile nation. That said I think we are in the market to sell the Leoti house and move. I will keep the blog world posted on this.

They leave sans one cat...


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