Twice in one week!

Good Morning Blog world! So my intentions to try and post everyday are already off course but when you work full time have kids 3 and under and grandkids living with you I guess blogging everyday may be a bit much. I will just be happy that I blogged twice in one week and didn't have to change my password!

 Now since having written the above statement I had to get up stop a tussle between an agressive 3 year old and a determined 18 month old; hold a crying grandbaby so caregiver (auntie) could go to the bathroom; stopped a second tussle between the little ones; helped the 18 month old fall down and bump her nose; return the crying grandbaby to "auntie"; warmed my coffee twice and served popsicles .. oh I almost forgot, I reassembled a cell phone 3 times... no wonder I don't get to post much!

To explain helping the littlest fall, she was trying to stand under the edge of the kitchen table and she was close to hitting the top of her head. so I put my hand on top of her head to protect it and her foot slipped causing her to fall foward and hit her nose on the edge of my wooden chair.. poor baby!
Tomorrow starts a new week for me. Sunday is really the end of the week but even my faith based employer considers it the start of a new payperiod. So that settles that!

Since today is the last day of my week and the first of my three days off I have great plans!  I searched the internet and found a free mitten pattern... yes free! Go to to find lots of free fleece patterns.  So a coworker and I have decided this is our current project.  She is lightyears ahead of me in production of said craft.  I brought the fleece and the pattern and tools to do it to work with the intent of using my breaktime wisely.  Needless to say she got hers cut and I didn't.  In fact she even stayed up when she got home and sewed one mitten together... I love her she embraces every new project with so much enthusiasm it just makes you want to get busy and do your project too!!!

Then reality sets in you get home from work and it is like the night before Christmas, not a creature is stirring.... So do you stay up and sew or get some sleep so that at 55 you can get up at the crack of dawn with your toddler and function!  Most of the time sleep wins hands down! Again today is my day off so let the cutting begin...between diapers and dishes and naps for the kiddos that is...

I will get back to you soon.....


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