Oh where oh where have all the "drafts" gone?

Okay so I will be the first to admit that I procrastinate but really I looked at this blog earlier today and there were unfinished unposted drafts and now.. nothing, nada, zilch!!! So where do neglected blog posts go anyway? In fact I even started a new post which I totally intended to finish and post this evening... oh well.
In that post I was explaining on how I intended this blog to be about the "change of life".  However since starting this blog my dear husband has allowed me to collect two more children... talk about a "change of life"!!! Rearing youngin's at our ages is no easy task!  So now with a 3 year old and an 18 month old whom arrived in our care at ages 6 months and 6 weeks respectively we started down the "parenting" road one last time.  Of course I say that with all respect to the Lord Jesus Christ who graciously allowed us to have this adventure!

With that said I will close this post and try, try ,try to be more attentive to my blog!


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