Where did the kitchen table go?
I love reading other blogs... then I wonder "how do they have the time?" Right now the dishwasher is still full with last night's load, three baskets of laundry await the folding fairy, the 3 year old is at preschool and the littlest angel just laid down for her second morning nap (morning starts at 0400 in case you were wondering). Not only do they blog, their backgrounds in photos are spotless!!!! I can only dream of such organization and calm. In fact just thinking about this makes me want to nap with the baby.
But our tiny tornado needs some new pants and mittens so I need to cut material but even before that I needed a pattern for the pants. So after digging through about a third of the patterns I know the location of ..I started the dreaded "google search". I say dreaded because it never fails I find more than I can hope for and a lot more that I wasn't even looking for! Most of it is wonderful information but the next thing you know the school bus is beeping her horn down the driveway and my morning is gone.
So without futher delay I think I will give you the link to the blog where I found a 'perfect for me' tutorial! Here it is http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2011/01/simple-pajama-pants-tutorial/ now to get busy before the wind and the tempo around this place pick up!!
Okay so a couple of cans of tomato paste, a spice jar, some borrowed pattern paper from my daughter, and a pair pants that PJ currently wears but are getting snug. Ta da! pattern is started. Thankfully my daughter is a professional pattern maker and designs her kids clothes so she is very helpful and generous with her time and supplies. I would just have her do this but she has a business to run and heck then I would lose out on the fun! And no the kitchen table never got totally cleared last night so this morning I brushed away the offending items and laid out the paper... still attached to the roll. Within 5 minutes the onsite expert asked why I hadn't cut a piece of paper off of the roll.. duh.. (do i have to pay for professional advice?)
Okay the first is obviously the pants in question and the second is our youngest granddaughter and our littlest angel (the bigger one is ours) Lily is a binky thief beware! Every time Giulianna comes over she loses her binky. It was only a few seconds after this shot that Lily swiped the one pictured. In her defense she always kisses the baby after she steals the binky.
But our tiny tornado needs some new pants and mittens so I need to cut material but even before that I needed a pattern for the pants. So after digging through about a third of the patterns I know the location of ..I started the dreaded "google search". I say dreaded because it never fails I find more than I can hope for and a lot more that I wasn't even looking for! Most of it is wonderful information but the next thing you know the school bus is beeping her horn down the driveway and my morning is gone.
So without futher delay I think I will give you the link to the blog where I found a 'perfect for me' tutorial! Here it is http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2011/01/simple-pajama-pants-tutorial/ now to get busy before the wind and the tempo around this place pick up!!
Okay so a couple of cans of tomato paste, a spice jar, some borrowed pattern paper from my daughter, and a pair pants that PJ currently wears but are getting snug. Ta da! pattern is started. Thankfully my daughter is a professional pattern maker and designs her kids clothes so she is very helpful and generous with her time and supplies. I would just have her do this but she has a business to run and heck then I would lose out on the fun! And no the kitchen table never got totally cleared last night so this morning I brushed away the offending items and laid out the paper... still attached to the roll. Within 5 minutes the onsite expert asked why I hadn't cut a piece of paper off of the roll.. duh.. (do i have to pay for professional advice?)
Okay the first is obviously the pants in question and the second is our youngest granddaughter and our littlest angel (the bigger one is ours) Lily is a binky thief beware! Every time Giulianna comes over she loses her binky. It was only a few seconds after this shot that Lily swiped the one pictured. In her defense she always kisses the baby after she steals the binky.
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