
Showing posts from February, 2014

Psychologists and three year olds

Today was our big appointment with the Psychologist.  Long and short of it the appointment was set up by the wrong person for the wrong person.  The young lady at the desk let me know that they thought it was odd that we were switching therapists when they saw the schedule this morning but no one thought to call and ask about it.  We got into the office and she let me know that we would not be seeing a psychologist so I declined the appoinment. I do believe the play therapy helps in the setting that it is done in but once we leave she reverts back to her normal behavior.  So they rescheduled us for April and we can only hope she can make it that far or we can find another child psychologist in the mean time. Well not a lot got done today but I will plod on trying to accomplish my goal of de-cluttering.  We were good today we stopped at the golden arches but we only bought the very upset  kids some french fries.  small children do not understand when...

Birthdays!! Four in the immediate family and a niece! And the end of the winter olympics!!

What a closing ceremony!!! Happy Birthday to Randi, Lucas, Tryston, Brianna and Mary!  Sorry I did not bake a cake for any of you!!  And in 2 weeks when the March Birthdays start... I probably won't bake any cakes either... I said probably.  I am not sure what I will be up to in 2 weeks I hope back to work only because I have bills to pay and I am not making any money staying home.  I have enjoyed watching the olympics and playing with my little girls... I really wish I could stay with them and not work.  So part of my goal this year is to get completely out of debt and to learn to do more with less. Part of that goal includes less procrastination... so I better get some more pull up pants made for Peyton.  We have to use less paper products and more reusable items.. no matter how painful!  Washing diapers isn't that painful but pull ups kinda bug me.  Only because I am frustrated that potty training is not happening!  Not for lack of tryin...

Catching up!

Sorry I have not posted since Valentine's Day... I have tried several times but small people in the very close proximity decided I was not going to post.  It has been a very busy week!  Monday was supposed to be return my wheelchair day.... that actually happened on Thursday.  so That should give you an idea of how far behind I am in goals for the week.  In fact someone needs a nap so I am going to post this and get back to it later as an updated post. I didn't post this because i really needed to learn how to find my drafts and continue them... I think i did it.  s So in my last post I bragged on a diaper store that I found and promised to go find the location of my former favorite diaper store.  Well we had to go to town so we located the store and looked for a pair of Super Undies.  I was disappointed to find they no longer carried them.  The new store is way bigger than the former location and in all fairness I will withhold my review at th...

Valentine's Day!!!!!!

Good Morning! This morning started out as noisy as any other and perhaps noisier than some! Yesterday we ventured out to try and find "Super Undies".  I have bought diapers from the "Cloth Diaper Market" here in the Springs in the past and they are very good at helping you find what you need... but they moved their store and I haven't been to the new store yet.  I have limited time when I get to go out and I have been trying to get to "Baby Cotton Bottoms" for some time.  So that was where we tried to get to in our available time. And we did... What a neat store!  They had so many choices! And pretty, pretty diapers!  I will be back to this store!  I  didn't leave empty handed either... no super undies but they did have something called "Best Bottoms".  These have a size 5T... for up to 50 pounds. Now my 3 year old is 52 pounds but I thought they just might fit.  I also bought two soakers that snap in... truth be told I had picked up ...

Paperwork and more paperwork!

Just when I really am starting to feel better I get paperwork in the mail that needs immediate attention. And of course I can procrastinate with the best of them but that did not happen this time. The original paperwork arrived after my appointment with the ortho guy....then the weather here was less than desirable for driving in for about 4 days, maybe 5. Next I ended up going back to ER because of the chest pain and didn't feel like doing anything for sure.  On Sunday my dear husband brings me an envelope and the contents demand a response by the 13th...tomorrow.  So on Monday I set out to get the needed information... First i could not reach the generator of the letter. Then the littlest had a follow-up appointment at 1100. Then we spent an hour and 15 minutes waiting for the pharmacy.  Section one on said paperwork was for my supervisor...who was unavailable due to all day I left a message. Then I tried the sender again... left another message.  I t...

tummy bugs....YUCK!!!!!

So what did you do this week? I spent most of it worshiping at the porcelain alter.  Yes the stomach bug hit our home with a vengeance.  And for some reason it seems it hit me the worst or at least for the longest... although it is still here visiting my husband last night and today.  Only 3 members were spared in this attack. So none of the anticipated projects were even attempted.  Rats and I am running really short on time for completion before I must return to work.  So now that I feel a bit better I will attempt to create a cloth bedwetting pant for the older kids in this house that comes close to working and that they will wear. For now I must close as today is Lily's 18 month well baby check-up... yes I know she is almost 20 months but hey at least she isn't 24 months! But gotta go!!!!

Some days are better than others

Today started off pretty rough... I tried to help my 3 year old change her pull-up.  While pulling her sweat pants off I could feel the pull of my chest injury from my recent accident and it wasn't pleasant! Needless to say I won't be doing that again any time soon. Tomorrow is a big day we meet with the school psychologist to hear what she thinks.  I am not sure if I have any ideas or not. I did spend some time looking up other posts from parents with similar situations.  I was surprised how many posts there were on children of the same age group as mine.  Today my daughter took her out for some one on one shopping and also my husband took her out early this morning to go to church just the two of them and then to the commissary and both reported her behavior to be better than with other kids. I sure wish we could figure her out. So along with trying to  keep peace around here we have started some early Spring cleaning.  This means anything that i...

New visions

Yum!!! Is this not a face you can just love forever!?!?!?!? I think Ben & Jerry's should get a glimpse of this face!!! So I signed off yesterday with all intentions of getting something done.  However, the 3 year old had other plans she has some issues most of them probably stem from her bio-mom's drug use during pregnancy and while nursing her.  Other things are probably just her personality, ie being very strong willed I think that is the only reason she survived her prenatal experience.  She is an all hands on deck kind of kid.  The preschool had to send a teacher home on the bus with her on the last day of school. We had a special ed evaluation last month and they turned her down as not needing any extra help... So I got an invitation to meet with the school psychologist first thing Monday morning... hmm do you think they may have changed their minds!