tummy bugs....YUCK!!!!!

So what did you do this week? I spent most of it worshiping at the porcelain alter.  Yes the stomach bug hit our home with a vengeance.  And for some reason it seems it hit me the worst or at least for the longest... although it is still here visiting my husband last night and today.  Only 3 members were spared in this attack.

So none of the anticipated projects were even attempted.  Rats and I am running really short on time for completion before I must return to work.  So now that I feel a bit better I will attempt to create a cloth bedwetting pant for the older kids in this house that comes close to working and that they will wear.

For now I must close as today is Lily's 18 month well baby check-up... yes I know she is almost 20 months but hey at least she isn't 24 months! But gotta go!!!!


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