Birthdays!! Four in the immediate family and a niece! And the end of the winter olympics!!

What a closing ceremony!!! Happy Birthday to Randi, Lucas, Tryston, Brianna and Mary!  Sorry I did not bake a cake for any of you!!  And in 2 weeks when the March Birthdays start... I probably won't bake any cakes either... I said probably.  I am not sure what I will be up to in 2 weeks I hope back to work only because I have bills to pay and I am not making any money staying home.  I have enjoyed watching the olympics and playing with my little girls... I really wish I could stay with them and not work.  So part of my goal this year is to get completely out of debt and to learn to do more with less.

Part of that goal includes less procrastination... so I better get some more pull up pants made for Peyton.  We have to use less paper products and more reusable items.. no matter how painful!  Washing diapers isn't that painful but pull ups kinda bug me.  Only because I am frustrated that potty training is not happening!  Not for lack of trying but she just is not interested at all.  On a good note the Super Undies that I purchased did keep the bedding dry!  I was really happy for that especially for the expense... it does make me want to purchase them the two older kids that still struggle with bed wetting.  Bed wetting doesn't bother me but it does make for a whole lot more laundry if they don't wear the paper pull ups... I don't have to buy them but my daughter does and it isn't cheap!  But they keep the bedding dry and the kids will outgrow it.

Another desire is to de-clutter this house and get it finished so we can relax. I feel like a hoarder most days there is so much stuff in this place and I keep promising myself I will bag it up and take it to a charity or the trash... whatever is appropriate for the items.  Okay that falls under procrastination...So I think I will use this blog to keep myself in check.  My goal will be 1 bag of stuff out of here every 3 days. 

Off I go now to load the dishes into dishwasher and diapers into washer.  By 1100 I will have one bag ready to go to somewhere.  It will be dropped off on our way to Peyton's appointment or on our way back home.  Check with me in 3 days and I will update you on my progress!


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