Valentine's Day!!!!!!

Good Morning! This morning started out as noisy as any other and perhaps noisier than some! Yesterday we ventured out to try and find "Super Undies".  I have bought diapers from the "Cloth Diaper Market" here in the Springs in the past and they are very good at helping you find what you need... but they moved their store and I haven't been to the new store yet.  I have limited time when I get to go out and I have been trying to get to "Baby Cotton Bottoms" for some time.  So that was where we tried to get to in our available time.

And we did...

What a neat store!  They had so many choices! And pretty, pretty diapers!  I will be back to this store!  I  didn't leave empty handed either... no super undies but they did have something called "Best Bottoms".  These have a size 5T... for up to 50 pounds. Now my 3 year old is 52 pounds but I thought they just might fit.  I also bought two soakers that snap in... truth be told I had picked up the soakers for use in some dipes I had at home for Lily but when I got to checkout the nice lady introduced me to the training pants.

When we got the chance to try the pants I snapped in the largest soaker that I had purchased, pulled them up (that was a very very snug fit) and proceeded to finish our day.  We ended up using 3 soakers before bedtime and that was pretty good... no leaks at all.  The pants come with 3 "feelwet" soakers but in our case she didn't care.  But that has been our potty training dilemma she just doesn't want to use the potty.... period.

The local preschool requires paper pull ups and we provide them.... very expensive!  So at parent-teacher conferences I asked if I could at least send her to school in cloth pull ups to see if she would dislike the wet feeling and maybe co-operate with training there.  To my shock and pleasant surprise they said okay! So that was push into my quest for cloth pull ups that will hold up, not leak and be user friendly.. and the reason I went looking for a pair of Super Undies.  I have made her several pair of pull ups but they haven't passed all of the criteria and the Best Bottoms don't either but it has inspired me to re look at the design of mine and try to tweak them a bit.  In all fairness Best Bottoms do meet the criteria mostly the hold back is the "snugness" Peyton cannot pull them up and down herself.  That is going to be a game stopper for the teachers... their job is to teach the child to handle her own bathroom needs with very minimal assist.  Overall I do like the Best Bottoms and I will be using them at home for sure.

So off to the drawing board!!!!!


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