Some days are better than others

Today started off pretty rough... I tried to help my 3 year old change her pull-up.  While pulling her sweat pants off I could feel the pull of my chest injury from my recent accident and it wasn't pleasant! Needless to say I won't be doing that again any time soon.

Tomorrow is a big day we meet with the school psychologist to hear what she thinks.  I am not sure if I have any ideas or not. I did spend some time looking up other posts from parents with similar situations.  I was surprised how many posts there were on children of the same age group as mine. 

Today my daughter took her out for some one on one shopping and also my husband took her out early this morning to go to church just the two of them and then to the commissary and both reported her behavior to be better than with other kids. I sure wish we could figure her out.

So along with trying to  keep peace around here we have started some early Spring cleaning.  This means anything that isn't needed or used is out this year.  I have six weeks to recuperate from this accident and I intend to fully empty every toy box and closet to declutter!!!!

Ebay watch out! and Goodwill, Salvation Army and any other place I can think of will see an increase in donations!  I know my closet alone has at least 15 outfits that I have not worn in the past year... now is the time to declare war on my bad habits gotta go now and get some rest.....


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