New visions

Is this not a face you can just love forever!?!?!?!? I think Ben & Jerry's should get a glimpse of this face!!!

So I signed off yesterday with all intentions of getting something done.  However, the 3 year old had other plans she has some issues most of them probably stem from her bio-mom's drug use during pregnancy and while nursing her.  Other things are probably just her personality, ie being very strong willed I think that is the only reason she survived her prenatal experience.  She is an all hands on deck kind of kid.  The preschool had to send a teacher home on the bus with her on the last day of school. We had a special ed evaluation last month and they turned her down as not needing any extra help... So I got an invitation to meet with the school psychologist first thing Monday morning... hmm do you think they may have changed their minds!


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