have or not to have...

As I try to clean a spare bedroom that was used for two of our grandchildren while their family lived here I thought how much easier disassembling this bunk bed if I had a friend to help me.  That got me thinking, that I can probably count on one hand the number of people that I call "friend". And of those I am pretty sure I would never invite any of them to my home.  So are they my friends? Do I actually have any friends? Then comes the question do I really need friends? It reminds me of the commercial that says 'I need an MBA, I don't need an MBA".  Back to the cleaning I am doing and why I am doing it. The spare bedroom is really a walk-in closet for the original master second original master bedroom and will soon be new sewing least that is today's plan.  Six months ago it was tear the wall down and make the two rooms into two bedrooms for clients so that I work at home instead of outside the home. But then kid number six had to move home and the plans went on hold. Eleven months ago the family that was occupying that area of the house moved out and bought their first home. This is where I would insert a picture ....if I had one.

It has taken that long to find a few minutes to clean the rest of the stuff they left behind out and try to dream of what should be there. Well the dream is over, my dear husband just informed me that I have a different room in mind than what he had... Well I will finish cleaning anyway and use it to store boxes. Temporarily of course....
seems like a lot doesn't it? Well this is just the tip if the ice berg my friends... A while back I posted about being one box away from being a hoarder....well now I am 25 boxes on the hoarding side. sad but I have made myself a vow to de-clutter, sell, give away all the excess including the stuff that I think "well so and so could use that" my deadline is January 1, 2016. I want to track how far I get on this endeavor.
So a post that started out as wondering if I had friends becomes a post declaring how much unnecessary stuff I have. Now to find some friends or strangers in need of stuff lol!  I wonder what Pioneer Woman has in her closet...hmmm


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