Rain, rain go away...sort of.. I want it to rain on the days I work not my day off!  Am I being too picky? Probably but it is too hard to use my solar dryer in the rain and our electric bill is finally manageable. It is the middle of November already and I have made no alternative income to try to pay down my debt.   I have definitely gotten in over my head.  Cosigning for cars that are not even for me started the downward spiral.  Of course once you sign for a car then every credit card on earth welcomes you with tempting credit offers and of course I took almost all of them. Luckily over the years I have managed to pay off most of them... but not all and there are still two of the cars that I signed for still waiting for payment.

Today I went to court to discuss what options might be available to pay off one vehicle.  While their offer is more than fair I am unable to meet that amount. The plan is to find a way to earn extra that can be given solely to the debts.

I have been able to trade for babysitting instead of paying for one. I trade two hours for one. Full time daycare is $322.00 a week for the ages I have. If I subtract that from what I make after taxes it would leave me $890.00 for expenses or a little less than $450.00 a week per paycheck. So trading earns me half the amount I would pay out.

I have entertained lots of ideas, even actually tried things like selling Avon and Tupperware and sewing diapers to sell on the internet.  Mostly my expenses far outweighed what I actually made.

The idea of getting a second job also has been on my mind but then there has to be someone to take care of the little ones for me to do that too.  So the best option now is to cut expenses as much as possible, not spend money on things not needed or duplicate things because I am so disorganized I cannot find what I already have.

So that  is how the de-cluttering started... and ended... and started again.  I never realized how overwhelming the clutter actually was until I started trying to get rid of it.  Plus my time is spread over way too many people and things to feel like I have enough to go around.  My schedule at worked changed because another nurse quit without notice so now I work strictly dayshift. It seems more overwhelming most days because there is absolutely no down time until bedtime.

The little ones swarm me as soon as I walk through the door and they are ready to eat, talk nonstop, and cry frequently because not only do they miss me they are hungry and too tired to sit still and eat.  But if I don't watch out it would be easy to spend what money we get each payday on fast food on the way home and be short of other necessities before the next payday.  I am working on getting things done more like when I had the morning to get stuff done before heading into work. I have not yet mastered baking bread like I used to do when working evening shift... I guess that will come in due time.


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