Holidays, housework and humble pie...

Today is the last day of school before the thanksgiving holiday break..ten days off is enough reason to send any kid to school!  It seems like a very long break for the most part but what can you do :)Originally I had planned to take a trip tool see my family but that changed  I don't have any big plans any more since the day nurse quit getting
any more than two days of together just isn't going to happen. So I talked with my manager and came up with a sorta good plan....I will work every day for the next 10 but only a half of a shift.  I hope that will give me time till get ready for the holidays and catch up on cleaning.
Our dryer isn't working right now so freeze drying the clothes is my plan! Actually it didn't seem that cold outside so they should dry by supper time. Unfortunately in that loss there was a Paper soaker pad for a pull-up, overnight style yep they absorb a lot!!!
Then they explode in the washer...and are not a lot of fun to clean up...
But they Work great keeping kids dry at night!  And naptime for the two and three year olds is over..:(   The two year old never gets enough rest to avoid being cranky the rest of the day.  It puts a screeching halt to getting anything else done most days.

Well most of laundry dried well outside and DH was able trace down the problem with the dryer and had it fixed by 6pm ....Yay! Now I can finish the jeans in the dryer.  Number 5 will be able to dry his work clothes too.  We have been hanging a load or two each night in the house...reminiscent of my early twenties and being without a dryer at all!  Those were not the day! I lived a 4 room house on some acreage next to a cemetery. The only house for about two miles. It had an outside entrance to the cellar/basement that was covered by two metal doors that were quite heavy to lift. It did boast 3 line clothes line on the east side of the house. You must had to go with hamper in hand to the unheated basement and do your clothes in the summer but in the winter the pipes and the metal doors would freeze so going to the washeteria or as it is called more often now laundromat was a better and warmer option. Enough about the "old days". ;). 


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