april showers bring.... snow!!! Springtime in the rockies...

Good morning! I woke to a dusting of snow that has since accumulated to several inches. Perfect wet snow for building a snowman once the little ones get dressed and are ready for the cold!

Today will be a fun wet day! We finished our morning lessons and breakfast and cabin fever hits early each day so this will be a welcome change to Dad making us stay in out of the weather.  My husband grew up in California so as a child snow was not a playtime adventure!

But I grew up in Michigan and this kind of weather was a blast! Now we don't have a sled or a sledding hill out here on the plains but snow is still fun! And absolutely no reason to stay cooped up inside..
They will be soaking wet in a few minutes and a hot bath will be waiting! And quiet time will follow.... I hope!
It is my goal today to finish the taxes and send them in. My procrastination and disorganization has cost me a lot in lost refunds and buying duplications of stuff we already have but cannot find. With God's help and a little determination I will put this terrible behavior behind me this year.
Schoolwork is another area that needs improvement...  Over the years we have accumulated tons of materials but without dedicating an area for storage the jumbled piles and boxes mean duplicates of stuff there too! Now that isn't always bad as reinforcement helps drive home the concepts... but too much of the workbooks can be boring. 

Boring work makes for empty school desks... and that slows progress. My pattern for homeschooling also needs a little tweaking. It is still my job to get the lessons ready and with me full time employed outside the home it leaves the DH to do the main work and believe me there is a difference of approach and opinion!
Ready for tub time! This little one is about as wet as she can get and still be warm! When I called them in for bath time they came running.

They know a bath time means fun, I know it means a soaked floor! We have planned to pull the carpet out of this bathroom this year but for now ....

Poor Barbie and her friend have yet to learn to swim! And rubber ducky got thrown out of the tub during the tidal wave that soaked the floor... Now about that quiet time...
Gotta go and get that started! Thanks for stopping by!



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