Inventory! Or how to save money not buying more of what you cannot find... and 40 cans of corn!

For maybe months I have felt a strong desire to clean all my cupboards and list all my pantry items and quantities so I can shop more wisely. Well today was the day I at least got started with the process. The pantry seemed like the easiest place to start. Unbelievable the amount things that I found that have been purchased again because I could not find them in the first place.  So now that I have started a running list I hope I can continue until I have tallied everything in the pantry.

Once I finish that task, and it may take a week or more, I plan to continue with the freezers. I am sure this will really cut down on our grocery bill. If I can accomplish this I will move on to other areas of my life that are in a shambles!

My ultimate goal is to be able to work part time rather than full time and enjoy the two littlest kids and our grandkids. I really enjoy my job but it will soon come to an end any way so I want to be prepared.

It is supposed to be a nice day today so I hope the little ones get outside early and stay a long time playing. That way they will be good and tired at bedtime!

There are so many times I am sure I have purchased something and then I cannot find it! Simplifying and decluttering will improve my mood too. I know have a real hard time parting with sentimental things and some that aren't. Probably stems some deep seeded childhood angst that I will never remember lol!

Here is the fruit of my first night of pantry organizing

 Top picture has the pineapples I canned last week, the next picture has the singletons and twins you know the one or two cans or jars of something. Below would be the ravioli cabs and lots of soups.

And then there is the corn...and 18 cans of mushrooms that my dear the year old removed the labels from...

I mean really who has 40 cans of corn?...besides me that is. The other things are not all that excess but wait till you see the other shelves...this is just one set.


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