Finally one debt down!....oh so many more to go

Tomorrow is my first day back for the new work week.. it is hard to get motivated when I did not get much done around here this weekend. (Thursday and Friday are my weekend).  The laundry is piled high and the dishes are right along with it.  I feel lazy for sure! But the upside is that I can make a list at work and try to get one thing caught up each night. My work on the pantry was pushed not only to the back burner but right off the stove lol!

Now that assessors have done their part my DH came up with a to do list that he thought was priority. So after discussing it we decided that the most important item was to put the wire for the stucco over the wrap that he has put on the house...for the third time. The winds here are pretty strong in the spring and in the winter and in the fall ...well I guess all the time but we do get some nice days that are good for working on the house and yard. I do get frustrated that when I am home a lot of times DH tends to kick back and watch his television shows for a large part of the morning when I feel he should be outside.  Don't get me started on "Downton Abbey"!

I guess DH and I have way different opinions on the importance of television!  That's ok though sometimes I need him to watch something so that I can have some blog time or just down time with no-one needing me. But regardless if it isn't a human (big or little) it would be an animal or house that require my attention lol so goes the life of a mom!

This morning it was jury duty! I had totally spaced that today was my day. I forgot to call the number last night so I called this morning found I had to go so I called DH and told him I would bring the kids to him. He was at number six's house watching the youngest grand child. I was 45 minutes late but they let me in anyway by 0945 they had dismissed us. So that was good and it was a beautiful day!

Great day to take the kiddos to the party and that is just what we did!


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