My my what a day! Another free homeschool site for preschoolers! Surprise! Kittens!

Another week started and another admit that didn't get completed actually it didn't even get started. Patient arrived along with directions though. Oh well such is a day in my world...

One of the hospice nurses arrived to check on a few of her patients that live with us and she asked what I was doing.. at that moment I had been checking some of the five year old's school work and getting more ready for her. It was then she shared that she too had home schooled her kids. Of course I thought that was way cool! Then she shared that her daughter had found a site that was for preschool homeschool curriculum "ABC Jesus loves me" bible based and free!

I hurried home from work today so DH could get some outside work done. While he worked on the yard the kids and I made pizza bagels and played, unbeknownst to any of us one of our cats gave birth to four kittens in the laundry room lol! So four little grey kittens
Joined the farm! We found later last night that they were preceded by two orange and two grey "cousins". I have been unable to get a picture of those four since mom has them well hidden from peering eyes lol! It funny to compare the two mom cats and their "parenting" styles. The first one that hid hers, leaves them quite often and just lounges on the floor in the kitchen not allowing us to see the kittens. While the second one rarely leaves her spot on the blanket and freely allows viewing of the four kittens that she has.  Oh well one is a helicopter mom and one isn't lol!

I had heard at work we had a chance of rain today so I hurried home and did a load of laundry as I went to hang it on the line the wind kicked up and brought these clouds to our area

The rain is just starting to fall now luckily the clothes dried quickly!


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